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The eternity of present consciousness

Saturday, 14 October 2023 at 20:53

Cezanne on Dr John Dunn. That which is beheld will never pass away

The eternity of present consciousness

Eros will violate Ananke, without cease

Living thinking has as its source the Logos. Thoughts are not the abstract reflections of things that appear ready-made to the senses of man; these would be abstract thoughts, chimeras, nothing.

The light of the Logos shines through the doors of perception opened by living thinking. In this light all past and all future are beheld in the eternity of present consciousness. That which is beheld may pass in and out of consciousness, but will never pass away. This light shone upon the darkness is the Beginning, and that Beginning is perpetual.

The source of the light is Love. Eros will violate Ananke, without cease.

© John Dunn.

Who will be the violator?

Friday, 13 October 2023 at 22:30

Lucretia defenseless on Dr John Dunn. The Rape of Lucretia, Robert Ficherelli, (1603-1660)

Who will be the violator?

What will end this interminable equilibrium, this undifferentiated oneness? From whence the intervention? Minerals, plants and animals have no part;they are in nature and of it. They are in and of the one entity that is Ananke’s realm, not apart from it. It is the living thinking of Mind that is needed, the intervention of the Logos.

In the Beginning is Mind, and Mind is with God, and Mind is God.
Without Mind’s power of distinction, i.e. the ability to differentiate one thing from another, there is the polar-opposite of biodiversity, or any diversity for that matter; there is only amorphous oneness, nature as one viscous soup.

Without Mind, Ananke would persist infinitely as the Cosmos, an equilibrium, with her own self-regulating mechanisms, her own necessities. Our world and others will be swallowed up in the formations and destructions of inter-Galactic events over aeons of time, but Ananke would continue, infinitely, as an equilibrium,as one entity.

Without Mind, there would be no observer to confirm upon Ananke’s realm the status of being. For what is it to be? ‘To be’ is to be distinguished as one thing from another. To be is the ‘that is’ of the observer's mind. In an infinite Cosmos without Mind, there would be no ‘that is’, there would be no ‘be’ing. Where there is no being, there is void, no-thing; there is 0. Without Mind, 1=0. For being to be, Ananke must be violated.

Who will be the violator?

© John Dunn.

The idolatry of death A bogus reality

Thursday, 12 October 2023 at 20:54

Skull on Dr John Dunn. The idolatry of death
A bogus reality

When all is reduced to its absolute limit of reduction, i.e. the reduction of the religionists, the supposed nought (0) before the supposed one-off beginning, or the supposed nought (0) before the so-called big bang, then we are dealing with a nought (0) that is one and all. 0 = 1.

With the beginning the infinite space of nothing was bounded. To be bounded it had to become observed and known, but perhaps that is simply to objectify it, make of it an abstraction. The Beginning is now in living thinking, or it is nothing, an abstraction. The concrete actuality of anything can only exist now, in the Creation, in the Beginning , always.

As such, the concrete reality of the oneness of nothing can only exist now as created now in the eternity of the present, behind which there is nopast and in front of which there is no future. All past, present and future is now in living thinking.

The darkness of nothing that is death, as preserved by the Prince of Darkness and his followers, is uncovered for what it is, a pre-existent ‘reality’, a bogus reality, a presupposition, an idol to worship.

© John Dunn.

Perpetual Beginning

Wednesday, 11 October 2023 at 20:16

Dawn always on Dr John Dunn. Perpetual Beginning
There is no progression

In unbounded nothingness all is one, all is subsumed in one. What is all? All is one. There is only one and 1 = 0. How do we get from no-thing to some-thing? (How do we get from something to someone?)

In the Beginning is Mind. Before the Beginning there was nothing and 0 = 1. With the Beginning the infinite space of nothing was bounded. For the one has no past but is created in the eternity of the present, behind which there is no past and in front of which there is no future. There is only Beginning, perpetual Beginning.

I so want to say “Becoming”, but “perpetual Beginning” better captures the essence of the eternal moment that is devoid of chronology. There is no becoming, there is no progression.

© John Dunn.


Sunday, 8 October 2023 at 19:50

Thoughts are not limited to the head alone on Dr John Dunn. Before and after part 2


We need to allow for spiritual receptiveness without individual enclosure.

I am constantly given to myself in a stream of ideas which come to my mind more or less unexpectedly, bringing me a light whose nature I cannot forebode and of which I become aware at a later stage.

The origin of this stream of ideas transcends my person and resolves itself in the reality of the whole.

My current thinking is the thinking of reality inside me. The reality and I coincide in a single centrality.

© John Dunn.


Sunday, 8 October 2023 at 19:48

Brain box on Dr John Dunn. Before and after part 1


This is the origin of the crisis of the modern man.

It is caused by the inability of looking outside ourselves for the source of our current consciousness and thinking.

We are incapable of believing in an other as absolute, of having faith in the idea.

The crisis lies in the hypostasis of the person, in egocentrism and egoism:becoming inward-looking, loving only ourselves directly and being miserable due to the awareness of our limitedness.

We believe our thoughts are our own, garnered from the ready-made world outside, and locked inside our brains, where eventually they perish.

© John Dunn.

Pinnacle of sinfulness

Sunday, 8 October 2023 at 19:33

God above on Dr John Dunn. Pinnacle of sinfulness

We cannot speak of any reality that is not in the living thinking of our current consciousness. This excludes the thoughts that differ from our current one.

To presuppose or believe in a reality outside of current consciousness is to repeat original sin.

This places God above, as understood by believers, at the pinnacle of sinfulness.

© John Dunn.

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