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Love, without cease

Wednesday, 1 November 2023 at 21:20

Angelus Silesius on Dr John Dunn. Love, without cease

“I know that without me no God can live; were I brought to naught, he would of necessity have to give up the ghost.”

To agree with the assertion made by Angelus Silesius is to accept that the I and the Logos live together or die together. There can be no presupposition, either one coming before the other; that would be to fall into idolatry, and the idolator’s world is dead. Once the world is dead, without form, void, dark, undisturbed and inevitable, then it is returned to Ananke as the One; and 1=0. So without presupposition, the Logos and the I must dwell one within the other for the world to live.

It is Urizen’s world that is dead. We feel apart from it, subject to it and beholden to it. Urizen’s world is not the product of the active and creative thinking of the mutual indwelling, rather it is ‘reality’, separated from the divine, served up on a plate, take it or leave it..

Living thinking, in contrast, is not the reflection of an objective world apart, i.e. Urizen’s served up ‘reality’, or Ananke’s dead realm, Active, creative, living thinking is Love ‘in the beginning’ always, breaking the equilibrium cycle always, breaking Ananke at each moment. Only that which is being created and still to be created is true, leaving that which was created as false. Thus the need to exist in the medium of Love, without cease, to be in Love.

This last statement denies the legitimacy of lives as untrue that do not encounter Love, or worse, murder Love when it is encountered.

© John Dunn.

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