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You and “I” 

Monday, 13 November 2023 at 20:56

Dark head on Dr John Dunn. You and “I” 

The continuous death of thought intensely asks your soul’s essence for resurrection, as a restoration of the life from which it continually springs, unknowingly. For this resurrection is already actualised your heart. The saints of every region on Earth have born witness to it. Now,however, the time for conscious resurrection has arrived. Mental effort must not be avoided. Now, the “I” that you say you are cannot be the “I”, except in living thinking. But how? I hear you ask.

All we have is metaphor. As man ate of the tree of knowledge, he was unable to fulfil his vocation as mediator of all creation. Meant to rule over creation in a relationship of love, Adam instead gave himself over to his senses and became dominated by creation. The task for you as a descendent of Adam is to reassert control over creation. But won’t it take an all-powerful god to meet this challenge? you ask.

Man is a microcosm, the universe as a macrocosm is a man distended. As body and soul constitutes but one man, so the visible and invisible aspects of the universe constitute but one cosmos. The relationship between man and the universe does not remain static, but takes on a dynamic element -the duality should be transformed into a unity unthreatened by dissolution. This role of mediation and unification, of uniting diversity, with all diversity preserved, is a consequence of man’s bearing the image of God. This role of unification is the LOGOS of man, and man in this role is the LOGOS.

© John Dunn.

Awakening as the lightning strike

Monday, 13 November 2023 at 10:22

Lightning on Dr John Dunn. Awakening as the lightning strike

The destructive act upon reflected nature, or ‘thought petrified’

The light of the Logos, shines upon nature through your eyes … unless that light is extinguished at the point of its emergence. The truth is that nature before the light shines through is the cosmos before the Beginning, before ‘be’ing, before life. Before the light of the Logos shines through there is death. 

The cosmic creation story is the metaphor for the individual's awakening. Before the individual's awakening there is death. Through living thinking the light of the Logos shines through the individual upon the world. Life follows death. With your awakening will come the consciousness of the principle from which Nature is alienated. This consciousness enables the Logos flash of lightning to strike animal nature and render it human. The lightning strike is the destructive act upon reflected nature, or ‘thought petrified’, i.e. that which appears to be ready-made and devoid of your own shaping content. Until that strike, light remains solidified in the denying of itself. However, each disintegration of matter is a moment of ascension of the light, rendering the miraculous as an actuality, the beginning and the ascension - always.

© John Dunn.

Thinking is not confined to the skull

Friday, 10 November 2023 at 22:49

Out of his head on Dr John Dunn. Cosmic Skull 1 by JJ Ludemann

Thinking is not confined to the skull

The transcendence must be realised, if the human being - and not its caricature - is really to be born. Thinking must be contemplated as a synthesis continually being born within the soul. For this contemplating is the soul opening up to the Logos that flows into the human being, not by way of a detachment from the human - as in the traditional world -but by penetrating right to the human essence. This is the ultimate meaning of thinking and of the human being’s self-individualisation. Thinking is not confined to the skull. Thinking, in truth, rests in the Logos. It must be worthy of expressing the Logos.

© John Dunn.

Radicalising the void

Thursday, 9 November 2023 at 21:54

Black hole on Dr John Dunn. Radicalising the void

Nature without man is the vast oneness, the interminable infinite, the undisturbed equilibrium. It is before the Beginning, it is death. For the Beginning to be, the grip of nature must be released, death must be overcome and life installed in its place. Life depends upon the destruction of nature, its repeated destruction. Life depends upon the violation of Ananke, her repeated violation.

A sense of a freedom might feel ephemeral, and just out of reach, but how is the ephemeral made to be enduring? What is this ephemeral feeling? It is a sense that the equilibrium of the accepted might be disturbed, i.e. the interminable cycle of nature might be broken. This equilibrium in my mythological terms is the undisturbed realm of Ananke, i.e. the vast, the infinite, the One. The violation of Ananke is the Beginning. In the Beginning is Mind.

The ephemeral feeling of freedom is the light of the Logos breaking through. The light of the Logos can only permeate nature by destroying it. This destruction of nature must be the overcoming of that which was shaped by living thinking, but which is reflected back to us as ready-made material nature devoid of any thought (or spiritual) content,i.e. devoid of our own content.

Before this can happen, the chaotic equilibrium of the individual subsumed in nature must first be destroyed. The intervenor, the destroyer of that equilibrium is Love. Only the Elect, touched by Love, are newly conscious of that which is missing, i.e. the Logos, or the shaping power of living thinking. Only the Elect can wilfully violate Ananke and break the interminable cycle, thereby radicalising the void and opening the threshold to the light of the Logos.

© John Dunn.

Matter - as eternal as the thinking which thinks it

Wednesday, 8 November 2023 at 21:40

The point is on Dr John Dunn. Making a stab at reality 

By making it your own, you deprive thinking of life. You separate thought from the world within yourselves by seeking to reconstruct the world for yourselves. You do not think, because your thought is dead. (Thus spake Eros)

Matter - as eternal as the thinking which thinks it

Materialism,or acceptance of matter, is idolatrous. Matter has no living content of its own, yet to accept matter is to treat it as though it does; it is to invest matter with magical powers. Matter is dead and to worship it is to worship death. This is part and parcel of the black religion that misleads the dumb masses into believing that the cosmos could exist without man. Matter is petrified thought, the original power of which is unnoticed, lost, and reflected back as an entity in its own right. This reflected entity is in fact dead matter which, having no life, takes on the symbology of death.This reflected entity will remain a symbol of entropic death until it is de-crystalised and re-infused with living thinking. To think that matter comes in and out of being or evolves is superstition, blunder, and obscure faith. In truth, matter opposes movement, being as eternal as the thinking which thinks it. Unless matter’s hold over mind is overcome, then the relationship to it will beone of worshipper to idol. The ‘believer’ will continue to make a mythical entity out of matter.

Matter exists only where it is perceived and not beyond. It does not have an inner shaping power of its own; it remains indiscriminate until shaped by thought; and yet we repeatedly succumb to the superstition of matter,some more than others, some so totally that they remain themselves objects to be shaped by others, for exploitation and debt burden.

What is the inner shaping power that matter does not possess? It is the experience of the living content of thinking which allows man to know the secret of the three dimensions. This ‘living content’ is that aspect of thinking that shapes the world in which we live, but is lost at the moment it is thought, leaving a world reflected back to us that we believe is shaped materially even before we enter into it. This is the idolatrous faith in matter promoted by the followers of Urizen. It might be simplified as follows:

Of the dimensions, only one is sensory. The other two are internal, as suprasensory structural relations of the first, constituting its living content. The point is that without the living content of thinking, perception would be one-dimensional, experiencing the world notionally, somehow, as line only, if there could ever be such a thing as a one-dimensional world. Such one-dimensionality is that symbolised by Ananke’s realm, infinite and undisturbed, where 1=0, until violated by mind.

Volume and spaciality, i.e. the shaping of the world out of its one-dimensionality, are given to the world by us, by our living thinking. We shape the world in a way unknown to us, a way in which lies the Originatory Principle.

© John Dunn.

Barren, shrivelled-up womb of apparent “truth”

Sunday, 5 November 2023 at 18:03

Missed the boat on Dr John Dunn. Tree of Barren Women by Fradga 

The petrified world must be the means for thought to become conscious of being, that through which they manifest as forms which feign life, for they are merely the sign of life, the phantom pregnancy of the deluded.

Barren, shrivelled-up womb of apparent “truth”

To a child Heaven-sent everything is amazing. You only have to look at the face of a child in his first months of growth. This is the state of mind as it is before Blake’s cosmic Pharisee intervenes between the Logos and thought. After this, apparent “truth” is loveless, the cold, dry, barren, shrivelled-up womb of the unloved and never-loved. Apparent“truth” is the reality of the outer object; it is a cosmos without man, Ananke’s realm of non-being.

The individual who has shrugged off the power over him of Urizen has regained conscious determination of thought and can take his place in the eternal Beginning. For what is real does not come to us from the past but is created in the eternity of our present, behind which there is no past and in front of which there is no future According to Urizen’s ancient impulse of non-freedom, or the submission to revealed truth, we are led to refer to a truth outside us, a god apart from us, with the world petrified in its alterity standing as the symbol of the death of the “I”. We are led to believe that truth lies in the outer object, in the quantifiable phenomenon, or in the physical-mathematical formula. Urizen’s world is untouched by Love, and a stranger to living thought; it is the cold, dry, barren, shrivelled-up womb of the unloved and never-loved.

Through living thinking the “I” is resurrected. Born as Eros, the light of the Logos enters the world, and Love is incarnated. Living thinking is where the stand is first made against the anti-Love; and Ananke is violated.

Origin story tribal,

Its mythos individual.

Origin awakening,

Everything amazing…

…To a child heaven-sent,

The eternal present.

© John Dunn.

Sickening non-truth

Sunday, 5 November 2023 at 18:01

As oneness it becomes on Dr John Dunn. It all blurs into one

Sickening non-truth

Nature, the past, history, even the predicted future, are forms taken up outside the process from which they have sprung, and having become sensations, images, and thoughts, are the non-truth that sickens us. The petrified world is the spirit which presses on in us as life, and though sickened, YOU, the sleepwalkers, continue on your way.

© John Dunn.

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