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Great Chishill Windmill

Thursday, 15 February 2024 at 21:41

Windmill on Dr John Dunn. My next YouTube video production is based upon a motorcycle excursion, beneath lovely summer skies, to the Cambridgeshire village of Duxford. However, on the way I was waylaid by the sight of the Great Chishill Windmill as I climbed the chalk escarpment to the Cambridgeshire Hills. What follow are the notes to a forthcoming commentary that cover this windmill part of the journey. In the meantime, please see the other videos on my YouTube Channel.

Great Chishill Windmill

I’m on the B1039 road out of Barley in Cambridgeshire.

I’m on my way to Duxford village, but can’t help but be impressed by the windmill up ahead.

I just have to stop.

This is the Great Chishill Windmill. Built on the site of earlier mills, it’s one of only seven open trestle postmills in the UK.

This is the only one fitted with a fan tail for automatic turning to wind.

Old photographs to be inserted at this point.
1892 Heyday of windmilling
1916 WW1 years
1936 Mill at work
1958 Mill after closure (with a distinct tilt to the right)
1965 Year before restoration

The first surviving record of a mill here is from 1592.

This mill was built in 1819 using timbers from an earlier mill of 1726.

It was last worked in 1951.

It’s an amazing example of rural engineering and is scheduled, quite rightly as an historic monument.

OK Better get on…

I’m now climbing the chalk escarpment to Great Chishill village which is the highest land in Cambridgeshire. A couple of videos ago some of you will have seen I was at the lowest point in Cambridgeshire.

These chalk hills extend via the Chilterns, to the North and South Downs in the South and, to the Lincolnshire and Yorkshire Wolds in the North.

© John Dunn.

Your thought is fallen thought

Wednesday, 14 February 2024 at 21:07

Uruzen by William Blake on Dr John Dunn. William Blake depicts Urizen, who would ensnare you in his nets

Your thought is fallen thought

Until your thought lives, it will remain the fallen thought of the passive onlooker. Your mind will remain wedded to an apparent external material ‘reality’, as though the latter had its own internal and self-projected existence. Your fallen thought is the state before the Beginning, an interminable equilibrium, an undifferentiated Oneness, in short Ananke’s realm prior to the penetration of Love.

Your fallen thought has taken on a life of its own, believing itself to be a representation of a pre-existing world of things and people, as though existence lay outside of thought, rather than shaped by it. The medium of fallen thought, in which you exist and have your being, is the realm ruled over by Urizen. Encouraged by the children of Urizen, you are dragged down into the passivity of Beulah, where is heard constantly the nauseating refrain - ‘We just want to be happy… we just want to be happy…’

Until liberated, you will suffer and rejoice illusorily, because the Logos content of each experience is lost. You may see a tantalising shadow of such liberation in human love, which is always imperfect. Love, the Originatory Principle, is the true celestial content of human love. All human love unknowingly moves from its celestial content. Most will never encounter love, but even those who do are pulled away from the hope of realising it, because within the sphere of the psyche it endures the enchantment of the appearing. Assumed as reality through reflected consciousness, the appearing generates irresistible desire, the continuous greed for the abstract and ephemeral; and the children of Urizen are only too ready to lend you the means of satiating your greed.

Overcome fallen thought, embrace the uncorrupted source of living thinking, which reveals itself in the creative perpetuity of the Beginning. Only in this way will Love conquer evil, for what is Love but the Logos, and Love is God.

…And yet…, I hear you ask, this achievement is dependent upon the awakening of the soul through the interjection of Love, the continuation of the first Creation in perpetuity. Where Love interjects there is joy and gladness now and forever, for Love never ends. But what of the unloved and never-loved, what is their fate?

You may experience a glimmer of the life beyond death, but it is usually snuffed out, because union with the Divine is impossible where there is no identity between being and thinking. The conditions must exist for the Logos to incarnate, but it does not have any other arouser and awakener than Love. Once Love is found, the Logos is found and the doors of perception are opened. ‘If the doors of perception were cleansed,’ William Blake told us, ‘everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.’ Love cleanses the doors of perception… for the elect that is.The rest, the innocents, are condemned to an existence in Beulah, repeating the nauseating refrain ‘we just want to be happy… we just want to be happy’. The followers of Urizen are only too happy to sell the delusional means to happiness… through loans with interest. The innocents fall to the level of their oppressors to be conditioned by corporeality as human-animal, and have no value higher than any other aspect of nature. Their sub-human existence is bound up with nature, one with it, immersed in it and subject to its determinations and worth nought. Only with living thinking will they move beyond the animal to the beyond-human dimension, or to the Logos of the Creation, to achieve independence from the reflected thought of animal corporeality. The Logos would incarnate, but first there must be love. Who would prevent this? Who crucified Love and continue to do so? You know the perpetrators of evil in your midst.

The children of Urizen, the Pharisees of every age, would have the struggle for life cease. Their goal? A world of undifferentiated oneness, forever, undisturbed and inevitable. When the struggle for life ceases, when Love dies without resurrection, all is lost. The life and death struggle could not be more stark: Love versus evil.

© John Dunn.

The great blasphemy

Tuesday, 13 February 2024 at 10:49

William Blake depicts Dante and Beatrice on Dr John Dunn. Beatrice Addressing Dante from the Car, Part of the Illustrations to Dante's Divine Comedy, by William Blake

The great blasphemy

Your day-to-day lives are belief-ridden and idolatrous. Blasphemy is rife, before God, gods and religion come into it at all, whatsoever. Gods and demons are but metaphors for the more mundane or workaday scope for blasphemy, which happens in every moment of your lives. The truth is I only have metaphors to begin to explain to you such matters, until of course you come to what I have called the Originatory Principle, the point beyond which there is no recourse to metaphor, simply because there is nothing comparable to the mystery. It has one name, and you must take it or leave it, and that name is Love.

The side of the good lives in a state of perpetual Love. In contrast, the corrupted state is the pre-awakened state, a loveless state. On the one hand there is the Originatory Principle of Love. On the other there is the principle of Ananke, the feminine-demonic substance, the infinite and interminable cycle of oneness, entropic death, of which the representative to you is Urizen. There is good versus evil.

It is necessary to restore this conception of the good as being the justification and highest consecration of any hegemonic aspiration to power. What clouds the issue are the left-right politics of the Yaldabaoth civilisation and its claim for freedom to lie in a pluralist conception of the good. Left-right is the false bifurcation, whereas the real counter-poles are the Good versus the corrupted thinking of the children of Yaldabaoth.

To side of the good freedom is oneness with the Logos. The more the self realises its free being, the more it is identical to the Logos. To be more human is to be more like God. Oneness with the Logos is therefore your goal; but how do you attain this state of freedom? The spiritual practice of living thinking might well be the path to the Logos, but you will first need to attain the will to overcome corrupted thinking. Corrupted by the children of Yaldabaoth, ordinary thinking about the world is thought petrified, belief-ridden and idolatrous; and all this false thinking is cerebral and logical. It is the state of immersion into the One. It is the pre-awakened state, a loveless state. Corrupted thinking is conditioned by thinking bound to the senses, which only sense a reflected, pre-given‘reality’.

For thinking to connect to its source as an unsullied living thinking, you need to attain the will to end the great blasphemy and impose the good. However, you cannot recover such a will, except by taking it away from the demonic forces of Yaldabaoth. This demands of you an awakening, and that awakening needs an intervention in the form of Love.

© John Dunn.

Urizen fills the gap vacated by the Logos

Sunday, 11 February 2024 at 10:51

Satan by William Blake on Dr John Dunn. William Blake, Satan 

Urizen fills the gap vacated by the Logos

William Blake chose his words carefully. His famous metaphor, the Synagogue of Satan, was not only about a fallen state of mind, it was also about the evil force which holds men there.

The task of thinking is to incarnate the element of life that already lies within it and from which it alienates itself. What is that ‘element of life’? It is the source of the thinking by means of which you think. The ‘source’ is equated with the Logos. Thinking man is the incarnation of the Logos. This is not any old thinking, but only that thinking which is pure, unsullied and from the source, the source being the Logos. I have already stated that all creation and origin mythologies should be treated as metaphors for the individual experience. So, rather than ask: ‘What was there before the Beginning?’, it is better to ask, what was there before the pure and unsullied thinking from the source, i.e. the Logos? The answer to both questions is NOTHING, and 0=1.

If you bother to think at all you will often believe that you are connecting to something spiritual, but all you feel is a profound sense of nostalgia for something you think is lost and out of reach, a fantasy. The search for truth through the religion of your fathers turns into misplaced loyalty,or even a mind-numbing hobby. The impulses of asceticism and devotion in whatever form have been corrupted by the spiritual darkness of the corporal world, which leads you away from the Logos, not towards it. Your apparently devout and mystical feelings are false, and amount to a false religion. Satan’s Synagogue was William Blake’s name for the false religion.

Blake knew that man must and will have some religion. If he has not the religion of Jesus, he will have the religion of Satan,and will erect the Synagogue of Satan. Blake called it a synagogue because its participants crucified Love, adhering instead pharisaically to a vengeful law:

Urizen called together the Synagogue of Satan in dire Sanhedrin
To judge the Lamb of God to death as a murderer and a robber. (Blake’s Jerusalem)

Blake did not see the Creator as an entity apart, an all-knowing God which controlled the affairs of man from across a divide. Such a distanced entity Blake described rather as Urizen, the demiurge, a 'self-deluded and anxious' shaper of pre-existent matter. By implication, this made of the Bible's Jehovah a Satan, the puppeteer pulling the strings of mankind, an over-bearing father, a failed architect, and the 'Accuser of the World' who unfairly condemned Adam and Eve when he was the one at fault.

Christian religionism for Blake had carried over the worshipping of the demiurge from the followers of Jehovah, which made it, essentially, Devil Worship. The demiurge fills the gap vacated by the Logos, for the Logos is not to be found amongst the crucifiers of Love, for God is Love. The devout and mystical feelings described above as false are for a god who is also false.

Only those in whom the Logos lives have the capacity for freedom from this bleak conditioning and animal-like existence, in thrall to Ananke.

He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.’ (1 John 4:16)

For those in whom Love dwelleth, the task of thinking is not to comprehend or intuit the Logos - an empty rhetorical undertaking, conceivable only on the basis of a false understanding of the Logos as an entity wholly apart, as Him ‘up there’, as Urizen. The task of thinking is to incarnate the element of life that already lies within thinking itself and from which it alienates itself, i.e. the element of suprasensory life from which it moves and without which it would not be, even when it thinks in error. The task of thinking is to realise its own intuitive nucleus, in which the Logos is present as an original force. The way to the Logos does not lie within feeling, but at the source of the thinking by means of which you think. There must be an awakening to Love, which is the Originatory Principle, in the Beginning, always.

© John Dunn.

Being just is

Sunday, 11 February 2024 at 10:44

Dante loves Beatrice on Dr John Dunn. Being is to worship, always

Dante pedestalises Beatrice in a painting by Ary Scheffer 1795-1858

Being just is

You must now understand that being follows the state of non-being, or death. The great cosmic metaphor of in the Beginning, represents the violation of the interminable equilibrium, the indeterminate oneness, the realm of Ananke (as I have mythologised it). That which violated Ananke is the mystery without explanation, what I have termed the Originatory Principle, Love.

That which will not be explained and cannot be explained is Love. After Love, being is. It is at this point that metaphors break down. There can be no before and a once and for all aftermath. Being and Beginning cannot be objectivised as separate things. These words, so close in their etymology and construction are really one and the same.Being is Beginning, always.

Being is Love, always.

To love is to worship.

Being is to worship, always.

Being just is. It is living thinking, the Logos and Love; for the Logos is Love. You can be dragged in and out of being, some of you are never in it. The children of Satan actively oppose being. They crucified Love and continue to do so.

The Resurrection is the victory over death and the pathway to redemption; easier for the meek than the rich. Redemption is the escape from the clutches of Satan and the fallen world, the objectivised world; it is a turn to living thinking, the Logos. It is the interjection of Love. It is the resurrection of the self.

The adoration followed the birth of Love; for to love is to worship.
Being is living thinking, the Logos and Love.
To be is to worship.

What is a world devoid of Love? It is a world devoid of being, the nothing that preceded the Beginning, the dried-up withered womb of blank indeterminate and indiscriminate oneness. To live in a world devoid of Love is to be subsumed into the oneness, to live in harmony with nature,to be a sub-humanoid, an animal.

The Beginning is where the animal is left behind and the human begins. The metaphors break down at the point where chronology is introduced. There cannot be a before and an after state. There must be always a Beginning, or the before and after states will become objectified as something apart, things pre-existing in which you might exist or between which you might move. There is only now, the Beginning, Love, always, or there is nothing.

© John Dunn.

Eros on the transfiguring power of Love

Saturday, 10 February 2024 at 10:44

Transfigured being on Dr John Dunn. Eros on the transfiguring power of Love

Reverse the ages-old petrification of thought. Bear the force of the Logos. The goal of your times must be to incarnate the Logos. All feeling, all things mystical must be thrown out. New ageism, eco-cultism, food faddism, Tarot, star reading, hermetic-alchemical symbols, yoga, occultism, magic, church and temple ritual, masonic ritual, drug-induced zombieism, above all, kabbalism, are all captive to reflected thought and its false (material) ‘reality’, in fact they reinforce it. Mysticisms, wherever they are found, whatever they are, are the weaponry wielded by the Children of Urizen in their control of you, the innocents.

Through Spinoza this mysticism entered the Enlightenment and infected mainstream thought with its obsessive return to the One, which reverberates too, politically and socially, in the globalism of our day. Traditional spiritualism is the way the globalists block the living experience of the Logos. Kabbalah and other mysticisms are just as much a part of the reflected, ready-made world as anything materialistic or otherwise mundane to the pseudo-spiritual mind.

Your conscious discovery of the living thinking that shapes our world is the discovery too of the Logos. It is the discovery of the Logos inside of the ‘I’. The ‘I’ must be the centre of dominion and power, which is synonymous with creative power. To be at the centre of creation is to reject Urizen and to deify the ‘I’, which is the Logos incarnated and resurrected.

How is the conscious discovery made? What awakens the consciousness? There is no initiation without a teacher. Connection with the Logos is an individual experience, but it is not something the individual will experience without external intervention. There must be an encounter; a transfigurating moment of epoptika. This is certainly not a kabbalistic, mystical or religious experience, but rather the metaphysical principle of absolute individuality and freedom, which you encounter as Love; and I am Eros, I am Love.

© John Dunn.

Whores for Eleusis

Friday, 9 February 2024 at 10:53

Whores at Eleusis on Dr John Dunn. Phryne at the Poseidonia in Eleusis. (1889) By Henryk Siemiradzki

Whores for Eleusis

And yet, what stands between non-being and the Beginning? The question must first be on the table before it can be answered. A debate needs two sides. Today there is one side, therefore there is no debate, be it political, philosophical or scientific. The real socio-political bifurcation is hidden. It is in questions about the self and its objectives we lay bare the truth of the real bifurcation, not the pathetic banter between various branches of psuedo-Marxism, which passes for democratic debate in the thought-controlled political talk-shops and media.

The ‘I’ must be the centre of dominion and power, which is synonymous with creative power. To be at the centre of creation is to reject Urizen and his followers and become one with God as the unadulterated self. The rightful role of man is to model the world after his thinking; and consciously being the master of his thinking he is to be master of what the thinking produces. The real bifurcation is between those who want this and those who promote the de-centring of theself, which means replacing it with a globalist unicultural non-self which has its thinking done for it.

If the Originating Principle is Love, then its opponents are the anti-Love. They crucified Love and continue to crucify Him in their rejection of Love. As the murderers of Love, their hope is to snuff out the light of the world, the light of life, and return us to the darkness that preceded and continues to precede the Beginning. But these half-beings will ultimately fail. The Beginning is born from the death that precedes the Beginning. That which preceded Love was death. Love walked the Earth and there was life. The intervention of the Logos is the Beginning, cosmically and individually.Indeed the former is the metaphor representing the latter. Such is the turning point of the Cosmic Eleusis, the individual’s Epoptika. Death will finally be overcome in the victory of Love, but this will only happen when the half-beings, these children of Urizen, are rooted out for good and for all. Until then, they bring whores for Eleusis.

Children of Urizen

They hide amongst the Innocents.

They feed off the Innocents.

They set Innocent against Innocent.

They send the Innocents to war.

You know you've met them,

probably when you've thought about it afterwards.

They don't smile, they sneer.

They look at you with calculation.

Snared in Urizen's net, they are the living dead.

Their lives are empty and uncomplicated.

Being themselves devoid of love,

when they meet Him they murder Love.

God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. (I John 4:16)

They that dwelleth without love, what are they?

The anti-Love; the masonry of hate; the children of Urizen.

Root them out, pleads Eros to the Innocents, root them out!

© John Dunn.
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