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Riding the lanes of Cambridgeshire’s chalk hills to medieval Duxford

Saturday, 2 March 2024 at 20:27

St John's Duxford on Dr John Dunn. Published at 8pm Friday 1st March

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Riding the lanes of Cambridgeshire’s chalk hills to medieval Duxford

Hello and welcome, thanks for joining me on the ride today.

An excursion along the lanes of Cambridgeshire’s chalk hills to see two medieval treasures, with a nineteenth century windmill thrown in for good measure.

Great Chishill Windmill is not to be missed, an amazing example of rural engineering

A rare unrestored church in Duxford is explored, where not only architecture of the Middle Ages is discovered, but something too of the medieval mind.

Then on to the thirteenth century Duxford Chapel, a religious building, intimately connected to the history of an important road, now bypassed and hidden from most travellers who race by.

For now, I'm done.

© John Dunn.

Space and time are in me, the transcendental ego

Friday, 1 March 2024 at 19:32

It all emanates from here on Dr John Dunn. The multiplicity returns to the One. All multiplicity returns to the light of the Logos from whence it came

Space and time are in me, the transcendental ego

My glance cast upon the world dictates the multiplicity of all things, the manifold of differences which are nevertheless held together as one in my living thinking. Were I to think of nature existing before me or independently of me, indeed beyond me in any way, I would be thinking of the eternal equilibrium, the realm of Ananke, where 1=0.

All my past too is compresent in my living thinking. True, I have my past, just as experiences and learning are remembered, but what I retain is what I experience now, and the intellect with which I now understand is not the one with which I formerly understood, because having once understood my intellect is enlarged.

Now, in my present thinking, when I bring to mind the past from my life, moments seared into my soul, now with a sad regret, now with a passionate yearning, now with joy and now with sorrow, I am not comparing two realities, one present one past. To do so would be to compare two abstractions apart from me, devoid of me. Rather, I am comparing experiences that are equally present in my thinking, equally present because all my past is compresent in the present thinking me.

In other words, space and time are in me. I am the eternal present on which all the rays of time converge and from which all radiate. I will not set time up before me as pure time without my mind. I am the reality on which all realities are centred and from which all realities radiate. I am not in space and time, but space and time are in me, the transcendental ego. Space and time do not exist apart from me in their pure and abstract diversity. They have a real multiplicity, but only in the life which my mind makes for them by realising in them its own unity.

© John Dunn.

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