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My nature and my history only

Sunday, 7 April 2024 at 10:38

Head of nature on Dr John Dunn. My nature and my history only

Theliving process of my thinking is what radically operates in the world -not the dead thought passed down from generation to generation as knowledge or history. The true being of my living thinking is the Logos,the Originatory Principle, enlivening itself directly when my thinking does not renounce, even in the sphere of nature, the source from which it arises.

I do not distinguish between the object of knowledge and myself as knowing subject.These things are reconciled in the living process of my  thinking. The whole of natural and historical reality is reconciled in me. My experience is the infinite begetter of an infinite offspring in which reality is realised, and all future and all past is to be found. There is neither nature nor history, but always and only mynature and my history.

© John Dunn.

What I am looking for is what is looking

Saturday, 6 April 2024 at 23:26

Face the facts on Dr John Dunn. What I am looking for is what is looking

I do not presuppose as knowledge the reality which is the object of knowledge. I cancel that independent nature of the world, which makes it appear the basis of my thinking. In this cancellation I find the most radical, most logical, and the sincerest, conception of the sayings of Jesus.

The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. (The original Bible collated by Marcion of Sinope 17: 20-1)

Nothing transcends the living process of my thinking. What I am looking for is what is looking. The only individual I can know is the Creator, he who is the positive concreteness of the perpetual Beginning, in short, me, the absolute I. The absolute I is the very essence of my spiritual existence. It is the I who thinks and feels, the I who fears and hopes, the I who wills and works and which has responsibility, rights, and duties. I know the all where alone it is, within me.

© John Dunn.

I rise above humanity

Friday, 5 April 2024 at 21:48

On top on Dr John Dunn. Rise above by Stranger Aeons

I rise above humanity

I will myself in accordance with freedom. I turn my back on the life disguised as nature, tradition and culture, which wrongly obligates me by imposing conditions of existence outside the creative process of my thinking. My reality is nothing until I create it, and is what I create. I reject the idolatry of a presupposed world waiting to be known, until a philosopher, religionist or scientist comes along to contemplate it. My reality is love and will, because it is the inward living process of my soul, not its ideal and external model.

I rise above humanity and allow the Logos to live through me, for the Kingdom is within me. God is no longer a reality who already is, but the God who is begotten in me, in so far as I with my whole being rise to Him.

My world is not what I know but what I make: I not only conceive the mind as freedom or moral activity, but the world is freed and redeemed. My world is a world which is what it would be, a world essentially moral…

…that is, apart from the dark recesses into which others are pulled by the children of Satan, from whom spew the words of idolatrous worship of the super-Objective.

© John Dunn.

I reject the amorality of philosophico-religious dead-ends

Thursday, 4 April 2024 at 21:10

Priests from Hell on Dr John Dunn. Hell Priests by Poisoner

I reject the amorality of philosophico-religious dead-ends

My moral compass turns way from the Greek, Indian and Judaic philosophico-religious dead-ends.

In the Greek philosophers I see only the natural order, or what is presupposed as the ideal order, but I find no creation of a new world outside of these. I find no conception of the mind as creator. I find no understanding of the moral nature of mind in the Greek philosophers because their world was nature, not mind. Their nature need not be material, it might be ideal, but it is what the mind contemplates, not what it makes. Stoical suicide is the end consistent with this conception of a reality apart, in which the subject has no worth.

Indian religions have the same end, in the suppression of the passions, in the extirpation of desire and every root of the human incentive to action, in the nirvana. Their ideal is the negation of the realm in which morality realises itself, human personality.

In the Judaic constructions, be they original, Christic or Islamic, morality is prescribed as laws to be followed. Tablets of stone descend from the super-Objective, the Jehovah who stands wholly apart, with laws to fill the vacuous minds of believers, who hand over their moral compass to the priesthood.

You all reduce every inner demand to a religious, philosophical or psychological dimension. Idiots, you have been led astray by the children of Satan. The inner spiritual life of your mind is neither philosophical, nor mystical. Your own living thinking is the Logos, not the dead thought imparted by mystic masters that weighs upon you as knowledge. Worship not the super-Objective, find the truth instead in the living thinking of the Absolute Ego.

© John Dunn.

Kabbalistic mysticism - the suicide of the self

Wednesday, 3 April 2024 at 21:22

Gun to head on Dr John Dunn. Gun to head by Rimeligbarsk

Kabbalistic mysticism - the suicide of the self

The mystic’s absolute reality is not subject but object. The mystic's reality, so essentially objective and anti-spiritual, has no place for anything depending on the subject. The individual personality of the mystic is tormented by the desire for a God who is, in comparison with his own sense of nothingness, everything. Man, the world and all particular things exist as but modes of existence of the super-objective One, the Absolute.

All particular things dissolve as illusive shadows as the mystic strives to turn the dross of one reality into the pure gold of another. The spirits must be seen, one’s guardian angel evoked, super-objectivity upon objectivity. Ultimately the kabbalists’ struggle must lead to the surrender of the self to the envisioned super-Objective. Mysticism is the suicide of the self.

© John Dunn.

That which I know is what knows

Tuesday, 2 April 2024 at 21:52

You me you on Dr John Dunn. That which I know is what knows 

That which I know is what knows. This identity is the perpetual Beginning.

Not to know this identity would be to live with the same limitations as religionists, philosophers and rationalists.

 That which I know is the transcendent Logos - the unifier of the Divine and the human.

© John Dunn.

Absolute autonomy not to be traded for religionism or rationalism

Monday, 1 April 2024 at 21:19

Headroom on Dr John Dunn. Absolute autonomy not to be traded for religionism or rationalism

My thinking does not repeat the ready-made, nor does my thinking have the logic of the ready-made. Instead, my thinking is the perpetual Beginningof creation. The Creation continues as my living thinking, which is transcendent and is made possible by my absolute autonomy.

I distinguish myself from all religionists and mystics, who believe in a thinking process which presupposes an object already realised before the process itself begins. The mind for them creates nothing, does nothing,merely contemplates existence, as a passive and indolent spectator.

The few creative greats that shun the contemplative life of the religionists and rationalists are themselves turned into objects of contemplation by the dumb masses, and objects of profit by the makers ofmoney by money.

Religionists are the same as rationalists. One may try to think of the mind in warm and fuzzy terms of seeking and searching, the other as a cold and calculating intellect, but they fail,because thinking must be transcendent, and freedom is impossible where the mind as the perpetual Beginning is not absolute. Hence religionism falls back on concepts of fate, surrender, worship and the like, whilst rationalism takes solace in never-ending observation.

© John Dunn.

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