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Anagogic totalitarianism

Wednesday, 17 April 2024 at 10:31

On top with Dr John Dunn. Climb or ascent upwards

Anagogic totalitarianism

My personality and liberty can be conceived only on the basis of my freedom from the naturalistic, biological and primitively individualist bonds that existed before the Beginning. My true state, the state characterised by my ‘transcendence’ of political, historical and religious ideologies, furnishes the only environment for the development of my freedom. My higher self transcends the lower self. This is the transcendence that results from a rising up out of the vegetative ‘One life’.

This is the polar opposite of the sub-human self-transcendence, where the fallen individual transcends himself in the direction of collectives and demagogic movements. This results in a descent into the ‘One life’ with the concomitant loss of identity - the death of the self. 

My transcendent consciousness is the total encompassing of all. My totalitarianism is ‘anagogic’, unlike that of the globalist collectivisers which is ‘catagogic’.


*Anagogic: climb or ascent upwards.

Catagogic: one source defined it as "gutterward".

© John Dunn.

‘Formless universality’ to ‘formed individuality’ 

Tuesday, 16 April 2024 at 19:44

No Text ‘Formless universality’ to ‘formed individuality’ 

My transcendent consciousness is one, unique and specific, the result of a process of ascent. Never has it anything to do with 'oneness' in the sense of a collective entity, or homogeneous totality of levelled differences. I reject the ideal of unity understood as immanence of the ‘One Life’ in every being. This is Spinozism and Kabbalism. Followers ofthe universalising ideal of oneness serve as the ‘spiritual’ arm of globalism and its Janus faces, financial and Marxist.* They are the fallen angels, the children of Satan. Oneness was the realm of Ananke before the Beginning, being the point of departure and not the arrival in the ascent of my consciousness. Oneness is the ‘undifferentiated substrate’, the forest out of which I carve out my own clearing of ‘formed individuality’; it is not a final state of perfection in which distinct individuals dissolve themselves, losing their identity in a pantheistic fusion with the Whole. 

My ascent to transcendence proceed from ‘formless universality’ to ‘formed individuality’, not the other way around. 

*In my book Child of Encounter,I condemn the whole of the accepted western philosophico-literary canon as being malignly influenced by Lurianic Kabbalah and Spinozism into promoting pathways to undifferentiated Oneness.

© John Dunn.

Take an "ordinary road”…

Monday, 15 April 2024 at 21:28

Littleport's Harley on Dr John Dunn. Scheduled for 8pm Wednesday the 17th April

On the Motorcycle England YouTube Channel

A new YouTube video

Take an "ordinary road”…

…in search of Harley Davidson and a friend of Thomas the Tank Engine

All roads are interesting. Take the A1101, with its turnpike history, from Suffolk to Cambridgeshire to Norfolk and back to Cambridgeshire, to find it is the lowest A road in the UK, with the least-used station, a monument to Harley Davidson, near-flooded Washes, and a lost canal haunted by Toby the Tram Engine.

Join me on an ordinary road.

© John Dunn.

They'll intrude if they can

Sunday, 14 April 2024 at 21:18

Faces on Dr John Dunn. Oh no, it's them again

They'll intrude if they can

Freedom from The They is what allows me to receive Being and, in turn, what allows Being to give itself to me. In this mutual exchange I am the arbiter of both Being and freedom.

You think spontaneity is the definition of freedom, freedom to do what you like when you like. But what is spontaneity? If you live your life in the apparently ready-made world of thoughts about things reflected back to you as though they were pre-existing, when in truth they originated as the Logos, but were cast aside as fallen angels, then you can never be spontaneous and free. You can only be reactive to the things you think exist around you. Why? Because you are living in the world of the second hand, the presupposed,a world of idols. You are in thrall to idol worship and its priesthood.

But everything is spontaneous, everything is always first hand, as it originates unimpeded from the Logos, from Love. The challenge is to keep The They out of it, when there are only too many who are willing to intrude - if not the children of the Devil themselves, then the dumb crowd of Beulah they perpetuate with the vile poison they feed into it.

© John Dunn.

Which is freedom? Which is real?

Friday, 12 April 2024 at 22:46

Crowd on Dr John Dunn. Which is freedom? Which is real?

Everyone is the other, and no one is himself. The they, which supplies the answer to the who of every dumb member of the herd, is the nobody to whom every idiot has always already surrendered himself. This is your second hand world.

You live in a playground in which you think you can play as you like. Ha! a playground, exactly that! An illusion from which rises the nauseating refrain “We just want to be happy”. You think it’s here that you can be fulfilled as an individual, left in a room vacated by the father, but under the supervision of an overseer who makes all sorts of promises in return for good behaviour.

I would rather live in Love, in truth, in passion, in mutual indwelling?

Which is freedom? Which is real?

I know that the chaos of the playground is Ananke's realm? Without the violation by the Logos, by Love, I might have lived for ever under the most insidious form of deception, namely imprisonment lived as freedom.

© John Dunn.

Sovereignty of my thinking

Thursday, 11 April 2024 at 20:54

Alone but above on Dr John Dunn. Sovereignty of my thinking

Ideclare the sovereignty of my thinking. It moves as the synthetic powerof the Originatory Principle, the Logos. As the Logos what I am thinking is the multiplicity; and what I think is always one in so far as it is the Logos. I consider the multiplicity as reconciled in the unity of my thinking. This distinguishes me from the misguided herd, whoconsider the multiplicity abstractly and external to being.

Historyis not unfolded in time but rather gathered up eternally in my mind. I reject no single finite thing, for each finite thing is the reality of the Logos, which is Truth and Love. As such, the cosmos is the eternal Beginning of my inner being.

© John Dunn.

The redemption of the multiplicity

Wednesday, 10 April 2024 at 22:29

One and many on Dr John Dunn. The redemption of the multiplicity

I must now reconnect what in nature and history appears divided and numerous to its transcendent source. The redemption of the multiplicity is the transcendence of my thinking.

The distinctions alive in the living process of my thinking mind are not reducible to number. This is the polar opposite of Spinoza’s infinite of the imagination, a series without beginning or end, extensible in every direction and so forever falling short of completion. In such a Spinozist regime, the "I"has its true reality outside of itself, a potential infinite, cut off from self-consciousness.

Instead of this, distinctions for me are always an actual infinite, the immanence of the universal in the particular, the all in my thinking, all in all.

© John Dunn.

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