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Henge ritual

Monday, 22 April 2024 at 21:06

Weininger dead on Dr John Dunn. Otto Weininger, deathbed photograph

Henge ritual

Hyperborea remains a mythical race memory of a ‘prelapsarian’ epoch without Demiurgic intervention. Yet the polar ascent is blocked and mankind exists on the equator. Looking down upon the pole, the journey to be undertaken is from the outer circle of the henge to the unifying centre, to the place of sacrifice and immolation. Such a quest was echoed in the procession to Eleusis. Either way, the goal was death and transfiguration. Throwing himself on the altar of creativity, Weininger ritualistically committed suicide in the house where Beethoven, the archetypal creator, had died. Yet vain was such an attempted escape, as Ezra Pound well knew:

They have brought whores for Eleusis
Corpses are set to banquet

at behest of usura.

© John Dunn.

Our strings pulled

Sunday, 21 April 2024 at 21:09

Strings attached on Dr John Dunn. Our strings pulled

We have our strings pulled. If we think at all it is as an eager-to-please filing secretary, shuffling and re-shuffling the predetermined truths. When tested, it is the file and recall ability that is rewarded with a pass. As if this were not bad enough, just as the filing secretary is now long redundant, so too have we have become the androidal extensions of software. Even our personal databanks are stored in a cloud, not in our mind. And yet the contents of the hard drive are not me. External stimuli pasted across the databanks are by definition not me. Yet this is what competes for the status of selfhood in our Weiningerian world, where the inner self competes for supremacy with its opposite.

© John Dunn.

Humanist revolution and counter-revolution

Saturday, 20 April 2024 at 22:04

Immanuel Kant on Dr John Dunn. Immanuel Kant 1724-1804

Humanist revolution and counter-revolution

Immanuel Kant provided ammunition for the revolt of the human over the material, ‘discovering’ the subjectivity of knowledge and asserting the power of the human mind over the external world. New ground rules were later attempted by Friedrich Schelling who concluded that there could not be some single philosophy which might reconcile the world in consciousness and the world outside consciousness. Hegel took up the challenge laid down by Schelling, re-engaging subject and object in a dialectical process that regarded real nature, like real man, as a predicate, a symbol of some latent supernatural reality.

Marx led the counter-revolution, restoring the power of the object over the subject by embracing the dialectical process and famously turning Hegel’s idealism on its head. ‘It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence’, wrote Marx, ‘but their social existence that determines their consciousness’. The materialist directional telos was born that to this day provides the mainspring of sociological, historical, economic and political thought in the contemporary academy.

© John Dunn.

Nietzsche and the rise of the superman

Friday, 19 April 2024 at 21:44

Nietzsche on Dr John Dunn. Alessandro Lonati

Nietzsche and the rise of the superman

With no time for dwelling on theory, Sorel rejected science as simply a system of fictions, preaching instead the need for a new civilisation of creators, makers and doers, one that would lift man out of bestiality. Nietzsche provided the mythos. Out of the Zarathustrian struggle would arise the superman to whom the pitiful existence of contemporary man would be ‘a laughing stock or painful embarrassment’. Zarathustra spoke thus to the people:

You have made your way from worm to man, and much in you is still worm. Once you were apes, and even now the human being is still more of an ape than any ape is... The superman is the destiny of the world. May your will say: let the superman be the destiny of the world...
© John Dunn.

The objects of my love, affection and passion live

Thursday, 18 April 2024 at 22:05

Lovers on Dr John Dunn. The objects of my love, affection and passion live

The They would accuse me of solipsism wouldn’t they. Alone? I am never alone; but I can only ever know others through love. Without love there is only acquaintance and thingship. But in true encounter and Love I see others’ needs as my own, and I give myself to them.

The part of my loved ones which I lost is a reality which never lived. Reality is not the simple abstraction from the living thinking act which I take as real. When I have such an abstract reality in mind, in my ordinary mundane thoughts, I am unconscious of my living thinking which gives it life and makes it be. Instead the abstraction appears to float free of me, to have a magically self-projected existence of its own.

But abstract reality simply does not exist, having no mortality or immortality. The concrete reality which does exist lives in my mind. My all-embracing mind gives life to everything. This living multiplicity of everything is my living thinking.

My all-embracing mind coterminously brings destruction to everything. The life of the object in my thinking mind is also its death, otherwise I would be abandoning it to a fallen petrified existence. The objects of my love, affection and passion live, their immortality being their eternal mortality. As such, they partake of the one bread that I give to them.

© John Dunn.

Anagogic totalitarianism

Wednesday, 17 April 2024 at 10:31

On top with Dr John Dunn. Climb or ascent upwards

Anagogic totalitarianism

My personality and liberty can be conceived only on the basis of my freedom from the naturalistic, biological and primitively individualist bonds that existed before the Beginning. My true state, the state characterised by my ‘transcendence’ of political, historical and religious ideologies, furnishes the only environment for the development of my freedom. My higher self transcends the lower self. This is the transcendence that results from a rising up out of the vegetative ‘One life’.

This is the polar opposite of the sub-human self-transcendence, where the fallen individual transcends himself in the direction of collectives and demagogic movements. This results in a descent into the ‘One life’ with the concomitant loss of identity - the death of the self. 

My transcendent consciousness is the total encompassing of all. My totalitarianism is ‘anagogic’, unlike that of the globalist collectivisers which is ‘catagogic’.


*Anagogic: climb or ascent upwards.

Catagogic: one source defined it as "gutterward".

© John Dunn.

‘Formless universality’ to ‘formed individuality’ 

Tuesday, 16 April 2024 at 19:44

No Text ‘Formless universality’ to ‘formed individuality’ 

My transcendent consciousness is one, unique and specific, the result of a process of ascent. Never has it anything to do with 'oneness' in the sense of a collective entity, or homogeneous totality of levelled differences. I reject the ideal of unity understood as immanence of the ‘One Life’ in every being. This is Spinozism and Kabbalism. Followers ofthe universalising ideal of oneness serve as the ‘spiritual’ arm of globalism and its Janus faces, financial and Marxist.* They are the fallen angels, the children of Satan. Oneness was the realm of Ananke before the Beginning, being the point of departure and not the arrival in the ascent of my consciousness. Oneness is the ‘undifferentiated substrate’, the forest out of which I carve out my own clearing of ‘formed individuality’; it is not a final state of perfection in which distinct individuals dissolve themselves, losing their identity in a pantheistic fusion with the Whole. 

My ascent to transcendence proceed from ‘formless universality’ to ‘formed individuality’, not the other way around. 

*In my book Child of Encounter,I condemn the whole of the accepted western philosophico-literary canon as being malignly influenced by Lurianic Kabbalah and Spinozism into promoting pathways to undifferentiated Oneness.

© John Dunn.

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