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Sunday, 5 May 2024 at 02:10

Ilyenkov on Dr John Dunn. Ilyenkov

Evald Ilyenkov, the Soviet Marxist, fell under the evil curse of Spinoza. Parsifal might as well have chosen Klingsor as his guide to the Grail. Ilyenkov must have known that there is no such thing as Marxism - only Spinozism, which means without room for contingency, man has to understand necessity and subject himself to it.

© John Dunn.

The evil curse

Friday, 3 May 2024 at 02:19

Wagner's Klingsor on Dr John Dunn. Marcel Journet as Wagner's Klingsor

The evil curse

Through error and the path of false righteousness I too came. An evil curse drove me about in trackless wandering, never to find the way to healing.Numberless diversions, false battles and conflicts forced me from my path even when I thought I knew it. And what was the evil curse? Dante metaphorically rendered it as the siren, Wagner did so as Klingsor. And what emanation of the dark side of the Zarathustrian bifurcation did I face? - Spinozism and its offshoot, Marxism.

© John Dunn.

The siren screams long and hard

Thursday, 2 May 2024 at 02:20

Singing Siren on Dr John Dunn. Siren, Conor Walton

The siren screams long and hard

The siren screams long and hard, drowning out the divine voice. Deafened at maximum each animal soul has its own methods: music, internet, interminable travelling, meetings, business activities, gregarious chatter, pornography, eating out, cinema, charity, sport, work, alcohol.These are characteristic of our time, but in all epochs evil had one task — to lead the pilgrim away from the true path. Perceval went on many a misguided adventure, lost many battles and made wrong turns in the woods. The life-journey is not a straight line, we all know about that.

© John Dunn.

Psychiatrised and clinicised

Wednesday, 1 May 2024 at 02:22

Make a start on Dr John Dunn. Psychiatrised and clinicised

The siren now is the politico-media complex, which urges us to go with the current, be at peace with the world, leaving the animal soul with a yearning for uniform uniqueness. Populations are psychiatrised and clinicised. He’s fat - it’s an illness; he’s lazy - it’s an illness; he’s addicted - it’s an illness. Explanations can be found on the level of the animal soul. To never transgress and just allow everything to happen, this is an animal level of existence. The journey must begin, but I need more sleep. I need to prepare, but I’m not in the mood, better tomorrow.

© John Dunn.

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