John Dunn

John Dunn original writing
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Oxford to Cambridge

John Dunn original writing

Spinoza and Marx together on Dr John Dunn.

Arrogance of privileged minds

Think of Spinozism as the Marxism of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and you will see why I felt an affinity with the young Fichte and others of his generation, for whom Spinozism was the radical philosophy with which to over- topple the established order. Just like the Marxists a century later, having insight into the necessity behind the events to which others were blind permitted one to enter a ‘masonry’ of brother intellectuals, the future governors of the world. To have history on one’s side was a thrilling source of intellectual strength, which also pandered to the arrogance of privileged minds.

From Child of Encounter

© John Dunn.

From the archive: Encounter

Influenced by Giovanni Gentile Influenced by Giovanni Gentile
The work of Giovanni Gentile continues to feed into the development of my own writing, and, no doubt, will do so too into my next published book.
John Dunn

Just a thought: By consolidating the requisite amount of surplus value from the producer class into a single tax, one-third of the annual produce in kind, and by yoking the soldiers and farmers in a relation of interdependence, Plethon sought both to support a professional national army and to provide for continuous agriculture. John Dunn (Renaissance: Counter-Renaissance)

The Oxford to Cambridge Arc 5 The Oxford to Cambridge Arc 5
Further additions to the project, starting with the Bedford to Cambridge leg of Ogilby's 1675 Oxford to Cambridge route.
John Dunn


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