John Dunn
John Dunn original writing
Fichte’s Promethean struggle
Hegel offered a secular ‘New Testament’ to Spinoza’s ‘Old’. In reality, Hegel ended up providing the self-sustaining motor of return to the Absolute that was lacking in Spinoza’s own philosophy. It only needed Marx to turn Hegel on his head, consciously in opposition to Fichte, to complete the return, setting Spinoza ‘right side up’ again in the process. Above all, Marx was a Spinozist rather than a Hegelian. The shadow of the Hegelian dialectic that remained as a materialist teleology in Marx’s work was the determinism, necessitarianism and passive fatalism of Spinoza’s philosophy. The Hegelian dialectic of progression masked the philosophy of return, which had existed from the start in the Lurianic Kabbalah of exile and return, adopted by Spinoza. In academic philosophy, the myth of succession has held sway, with Hegel and Schelling perpetually presented as the heirs and successors of Fichte, rather than his opposite. So what did Fichte represent? He represented the Promethean struggle, the assertion of the same individual will that had attained crown and mitre in Dante’s Divine Comedy, the will which later thundered in the symphonies of Beethoven and the art of other Romantics. What did Schelling and Hegel represent? They were Spinozists.
From Child of Encounter
© John Dunn.
From the archive:
Raine on Blake
Evola and right thinking
Freedom is a kind of transcendence. The higher self should transcend the lower self and the state should encourage this impulse. This is the transcendence that results from a rising up out of the vegetative ‘One life’. John Dunn
Just a thought:
Everything that would later define the globalising empire of Usura emerged from the Amsterdam crucible, notably the first Stock Exchange, multinationals (the East Indies Company, which would rule autonomously over Indonesia as an unrestrained corporatocracy for centuries) and, most importantly, a Central Bank, the ‘Amsterdamsche Wisselbank’, the model of all central banks to come. John Dunn (Renaissance: Counter-Renaissance)
The Oxford to Cambridge Arc 5
Further additions to the project, starting with the Bedford to Cambridge leg of Ogilby's 1675 Oxford to Cambridge route. John Dunn
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