John Dunn

John Dunn original writing
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Thought Pieces
Oxford to Cambridge

Thought Pieces

Encounter image on Dr John Dunn. Doctor John Dunn

Turning helix

Turning helix

I chose active thinking. I chose Love. This was the resurrection of the self, the victory over death.
And the multiplicity became mine to behold.
John Dunn

Love and creativity

Love and creativity

The real and only meaningful opposition is between those whose banners bear the symbols of love and creativity and those devoid of love, life and humanity who would have us return to the One, the ‘amorphous state of pre-Eros, pre-Love and pre-Being’.
John Dunn

Evola and right thinking

Evola and right thinking

Freedom is a kind of transcendence. The higher self should transcend the lower self and the state should encourage this impulse. This is the transcendence that results from a rising up out of the vegetative ‘One life’.
John Dunn

Evola - formless to formed

Evola - formless to formed

Transmutation – stated Evola – must always proceed from ‘formless universality’ to ‘formed individuality’ and not the other way around.
John Dunn

Endeavour is all

Endeavour is all

Our potential for freedom lies in our successful reinstatement of the active, creative and intuitive “I” back into the process of thinking, and so back into the otherwise dead world around us.
John Dunn

Silesius prompted thoughts

Silesius prompted thoughts

All history, all present, all future is the forest. No tree falls there unless man sees.
John Dunn

Nature: a beautiful virus

Nature: a beautiful virus

Swinburne presents life as a violent symphony of meeting and killing, encounter and destruction of equilibria. Nature, chaos, is a virus.
John Dunn

Flowering Rifle

Flowering Rifle

An on-going passsage-by-passage reading of Roy Campbell’s epic poem of the Spanish Civil War. He is an exultant nationalist and celebrates not only feats of arms but achievements of organisation, making live poetry out of the economics and agriculture of Franco's Spain.
John Dunn

The Mythology

The Mythology

First in the Mythology is Love: variously Logos, God, the Word, the Cosmic Jesus, living thought.
John Dunn

About encounter

About encounter

...a gentle breeze ripples the veil of Sais.
John Dunn



The writer who fused the thinking of Giovanni Gentile, Julius Evola and Rudolf Steiner and went beyond each of them.
John Dunn

Influenced by Giovanni Gentile

Influenced by Giovanni Gentile

The work of Giovanni Gentile continues to feed into the development of my own writing, and, no doubt, will do so too into my next published book.
John Dunn

Marcion: inventor of the New Testament

Marcion: inventor of the New Testament

Marcion’s brand of Christianity was so successful that there was no going back to any Christianity that did not have its own New Testament. So what did the “Nazoreans” do? They Judaised Marcion’s New Testament, modifying the existing text and adding text to re-connect Christianity to the Jewish tribal deity that is the God of the Old Testament.
John Dunn

Edward Thomas

Edward Thomas

Extracts from a long out-of-print monograph that I wrote about Edward Thomas twenty years ago entitled 'A Bleak but Honest Resolution'. But it's still on Kindle.
John Dunn.

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