John Dunn

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Oxford to Cambridge

Turning helix

Helix on Dr John Dunn.

Turning helix

Before the first turn

No observer to confirm upon the one entity the status of being.

To be is the ‘that is’ of the observer's mind.

In an infinite Cosmos without man, there would be no ‘that is’, there would be no ‘be’ing.

There is void, no-thing; there is 0. Without mind, 1=0.

First turn - Beginning

In the beginning was Love

Love, the only starting point of mysteries of body and soul.

What are the criteria of true love? There are none. Criteria only exist in the order of the objective and problematical.

Love, the first principle, the commencement of being

Being, the multiplicity held in the Word, the Mind, the One.

All past and all future held in the eternal now of the mind’s act, the Creation, always.

Before and after the beginning there is nothing.

The beginning is a constant, now, in active thinking; it is life.

All outside active thinking is nothing; it is death.

Second turn - Fall

Satan fell into the order of the objective and problematical, the objectivised world, to become god of this world.

The beginning ceased, active thinking ceased.

The multiplicity held in the One was externalised.

The living thought was lost and seemingly presented back in the form of ‘reality’.

This ‘reality’ is treated as that which must be ‘known’.

This was the knowledge offered by Satan and Eve to Adam.

And the children of Satan led men and women into Beulah with the promise ofhappiness to come, into the land of false innocence, that is innocence devoid of Love, from which arises the constant and nauseating refrain… “we just want to be happy…, we just want to be happy…”

Third turn - Resurrection

Being: what is it?

It just is. Being is active thinking, the Logos and Love; for the Logos is Love.

Man can be dragged in and out of being, some are never in it.

The children of Satan actively oppose being. They murdered Love and continue to do so.

To oppose being is death.

The Resurrection is the victory over death and the pathway to redemption.

Redemption is the escape from the clutches of Satan and the fallen world, the objectivised world; it is a return to active thinking, the Logos. It is the resurrection of the self. It is the birth of Love.

The adoration followed the birth of Love; for to love is to worship. Being is active thinking, the Logos and Love.

To be is to worship.

To be is to hold the multiplicity in the One.

John Dunn 2022

© John Dunn.

Second helix on Dr John Dunn.

Turning Helix*

Before the turn - Beulah

Born into a world without beginning.
Born into a world devoid of active thinking.
Born into the order of the objectified world.

The multiplicity - men, women, the manifold of nature - external to my mind.
This one multiplicity was abstract; it was dead.
I was set to knowing this ‘reality’, this fallen knowledge.

Love judged them to be the children of the devil.
These idolators,the devil-worshippers, led my forebears into Beulah with the promise of happiness to come, into the land of false innocence, that is innocence devoid of Love, from which arises the constant and nauseating refrain… “we just want to be happy…, we just want to be happy…”

I was born into Beulah.
We were all idolators, worshippers of the presupposed god apart, the abstract god, Nietzsche’s dead god.

The turn - Love

They were not the light, but they bore witness of the light to come.
These were the encounters, the precursors, and they culminated in Love.
I was awoken to being, the living God.

I was dragged in and out of being.
The children of the devil called to me.
In their opposition to being they chose death.
Before them I was face to face with the anti-Love, evil.

I chose active thinking.
I chose Love.
This was the resurrection of the self, the victory over death.
And the multiplicity became mine to behold.
My mind keeps its own infinity, without which even the cosmos with its multiplicity would be dissolved.

*A personalisation of the previous blog.

John Dunn 2022

© John Dunn.

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