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The ignorance upon which finance thrives

Sunday, 22 Jun 2014

Louis-Gabriel-Ambrose de Bonald on Staff and Scrip, Dr John Dunn First posted on Saturday, 27 July 2013 at 20:45

Louis-Gabriel-Ambrose de Bonald

In 1865, Emile Keller wrote of how, under liberalism,...

The country will resemble a giant railroad company, incapable of managing its own fortune, hardly knowing those who are chosen to represent her, and whose hearts, minds, arms, and fortunes will be at the mercy of several braided helmets, at once all-powerful and irresponsible.*
Now,instead of the country as one giant railroad company, we might think of the world approaching the globalised state of one giant enterprise. Financial liberty - or liberalism - remains at its heart.

Starting with money and founded on the ‘mundane principles of pursuing one’s ownadvantage’, the universal outlook described as Judaic by Marx, liberalism, became the dominant ideology of Usura. The education of the masses ensured liberalism’s deep-rootedness, with science and the aptly named humanities - politics, economics, the arts and philosophy - all serving to reinforce its dominance, with a controlled mass-media ensuring the belief is nurtured throughout life, through entertainment as well as misinformation. Even the remnants of religion in the West have liberalism as their guiding ‘ethic’.

It did not take long after the French Revolution for Louis-Gabriel-Ambrose de Bonald to recognise that a devotion to science and the study of material things was complementary to the thriving of commerce. It led, however, to a decline of the mind and reason.
I even believe that a people exclusively devoted to the study of material things - which improve no other faculty than the student’s memory - will eventually become inferior to other peoples with respect to the mind, reason, and other social qualities... Their mercantile commerce will be able to flourish, but their social commerce will be little agreeable.**
Bonald recognised the ignorance upon which finance thrived, an ignorance which Ezra Pound described as antithetic to discrimination by the senses.
Discrimination by the senses is dangerous to avarice. It is dangerous because any perception or any high development of the perceptive facilities may lead to knowledge. The money-changer only thrives on ignorance.

He thrives on all sorts of insensitivity and non-perception. An instant sense of proportion imperils financiers.

You can, by contrast, always get financial backing for debauchery. Any form of “entertainment” that debases perception, anything that profanes the mysteries or tends to obscure discrimination, goes hand in hand with drives towards money profit.***
In such conditions of carefully nurtured mass ignorance, the usurocracy can depend on democracy as a safe and efficient instrument of dominance and control. The separate political parties of Usura represent but the separate wings and tendencies of liberalism in what is, in effect, one party rule. Challenges to the money-based power which, given the nature of liberal society, will only ever be from a small minority of enlightened individuals, are thus banished to the margins.

Liberalism and all that goes with it is the ideology that Usura seeks to impose upon the world. Britain, France and the USA are still in the business of exporting the French Revolution, where necessary through war. And in the name of what are these wars fought? Liberty and democracy. And what follows? A thing known commonly as ‘the winning of hearts and minds’, through education, entertainment and misinformation - in short, indoctrination. And what is the result? The ignorance upon which finance thrives.

*ÉmileKeller in Critics of the Enlightenment: Readings in the French Counter-Revolutionary Tradition, Edited and translated by Christopher Olaf Blum, ISI Books, Wilmington, 2003, pp. 277-294.
**Louis-Gabriel-Ambrosede Bonald in Critics of the Enlightenment: Readings in the French Counter-Revolutionary Tradition, Edited and translated by Christopher Olaf Blum, ISI Books, Wilmington, 2003, p. 60.
***Ezra Pound, Guide to Kulchur, New Directions, New York, 1970, p.281

John Dunn.

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