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The economy will exist to serve the people

Thursday, 21 Aug 2014

Silvio Gessel on Staff and Scrip, Dr John Dunn First posted on Wednesday, 25 September 2013 at 17:43

Silvio Gessel

In opposition to the eradication of despair on a global scale stand the Usura regimes run by the princes of this world, the bankers and money lenders, with their twin-pillars of power: control over the money supply and military might.

These perpetuators of despair have led us into the desacralised realm, known as liberal society, ‘legitimised’ by sham democracies in which the masses are manipulated through indoctrination (education) and the media.The result is a fallen world in which disorder is lived as order. The guiding organisational principles are those of corporate HR, imposing equality and killing diversity. Its false view is horizontal in orientation.

The world is run on the ‘mundane principles’ of personal gain. The role of money and economic life have grown out of all proportion as an all-consuming cancer. Art has become frivolous and superficial. The mysterium has been banished, destroying or corrupting not one, but every religion.

Victory over the forces of despair will mean a complete reorientation of man’s outlook. Change will mean a world reflective of the original order, the cosmic order. It will be hierarchical, diverse, a social organism in which everyone has a valued role. The prevailing view will be vertical in orientation. Above all, the world will be run on the principles of personal fulfilment and salvation, rather than the money-lending principle of greed.

The economy will exist to serve the people and capital to serve the economy.Today it is the other way around: ordinary people, especially the millions and millions of migrant workers, exist for the sake of the economy and the economy exists to serve capital.

Karl Marx perpetuated a lie when he obliterated the difference between capital and the economy. The effect of his doctrine was to pit workers against employers and distract them from the depredations of banking capitalists, who live from usury. The truth is that, behind the smokescreen false dichotomies of worker versus employer, or worker versus worker in the degrading and dehumanising slave or jobs market, the key economic dichotomy is usurers versus everyone else.

Marx overlooked the fact that under the system of interest slavery, the employer is required to deal in money that has to be repaid with interest. Under this system the capitalist is not the employer who creates the basis for the worker’s existence, but rather the money-lender.

By lending money, the usurocracy triumphed everywhere in the world, thanks to the fact that they held the monopoly over the worlds exchange currencies, first in the form of currencies backed by gold and now in the form of the dollar.

A traditionalist world will abandon this financial tyranny, with the result that there will be no international trading credits or a reserve currency, with lost billions upon billions in private profit from interest on international indebtedness.

Labor creates value, not gold. A traditionalist economy will return to work and production rather than usury and speculation. Money needs to be backed by nothing other than productive labour. Once this is understood, the requirements of an economy are relatively simple; as simple as A B C argued Ezra Pound. Money becomes ‘a certificate of work done’. The work done ‘must be necessary’ and ‘there must be some way for everyone to get enough money ... to satisfy a reasonable number of lacks. The simplest road is through work’.* (ABC 51)

In addition to Pound, the unifying principle of thinkers such as Feder, Douglas, Gesell, Kennedy is that they eschewed the usurious lending and the fractional reserve banking that established Usura in its position of world domination in the first place.

Starting from the principle that the economy exists to serve rather than be served, their common objective has been to rein in the runaway power of money, an objective that would have been shared with enthusiasm by attendees of the church councils in the high Middle Ages.

*Ezra Pound, ABC of Economics, Faber and Faber, London, 1933, p.51.

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