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Those who have the power to make money scarce

Thursday, 9 Oct 2014

Alfred Owen Crozier on Staff and Scrip, Dr John Dunn. First posted on Monday, 25 November 2013 at 21:24

Alfred O. Crozier 1863-1939 published a book in the year before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, warning the public against Wall Street and the banking trust.

He wrote:

Remember,those who have the power to make money scarce or plenty have power over the business of every man the happiness of every home, to make or break, to confer or destroy general prosperity. It gives them a hunger-hold on every man, woman and child.
Alfred Owen Crozier, US money vs. Corporation Currency, Aldrich Plan, Wall Street Confessions, The Great Bank Combine, (Magnet Company, Cincinnati,Ohio, 1912), p.740, quoted in Deanna Spingola, The Ruling Elite: The Zionist Seizure of World Power, Trafford Publishing, USA, 2012, p.282

Posted by John Dunn.

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