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Dora Marsden: individualist anarchist

Monday, 20 Apr 2015

Dora Marsden on Dr John Dunn. First posted Friday, 2 May 2014 at 20:46

Dora Marsden, the individualist anarchist, was an immensely insightful critic of modernity and its homogenising effect upon the masses. Amongst others, Ezra Pound was directly influenced by her politico-philosophy.

This is a quote from the New Freewoman journal, which Marsden edited. The article from which this is taken is entitled The Lean Kind.


Theft is the time-honoured, success-crowned means to property. All the wholesale acquirements of property have come, do come, will come, in this way....

Property once seized, the seizers set about to make flux static. They declare a truce. They send forth a proclamation:

Henceforth the possessed - and our children must remain possessors: and the dispossessed must remain the dispossessed forever. These shall not raise disturbing hands against the state of things: should they, the STATE will visit upon them the penalties due...
...the lean, the law-abiding, the honest, are the pillars of the STATE, while the possessors of it are left well-established, free to pursue chance and adventure in the flux which has never ceased to flow in the secret order above the State. Hence comes high finance - a game of sport best played like cricket, with limited numbers.

Posted by John Dunn

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