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Worker as an organic part of the nation

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Ernst Junger on Dr John Dunn. First posted on Sunday, 8 June 2014 at 08:53

Ernst Jünger

Traditionalism opposes liberalism’s rationalist and calculating conception of class as a purely economic category. It opposes too liberalism’s highest rational goal, which is to understand and possess the world and its inhabitants as a resource from which wealth and riches can be extracted.

The traditionalist’s counter-view sees workers as an organic part of the nation, who need to be integrated into and made to feel a part of its natural hierarchy. Simone Weil’s blueprint for a new society, in The Need for Roots, develops exactly this viewpoint.

Simone Weil

The reality that must be faced for the moment is that the remaining instances of true order are still dissolving before liberalism’s weaponry and an organically constructed society is not yet, or might never be, possible. Until we know, there may be no choice but to follow Ernst Jünger into taking refuge in the extreme aloofness of the Anarch, who only stands in an observational relationship to the world.

John Dunn

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