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Bruno and Florio

Thursday, 21 Jan 2016

Giodano Bruno on Dr John Dunn. First posted Wednesday, 11 March 2015 at 20:52

I’ve come late to the work of Giordano Bruno (1548 – 1600) and John Florio (1553 – 1625). There is much catching up to do.

It is known that Bruno established a network of organizations throughout Europe, and the chief parts of his work in England and France are known, especially his English work. The Dudleys, Sir Philip Sidney,and Christopher Marlowe were among his closest collaborators in England, and the princes of the House of Navarre his closest collaborators in France. It is also known that most extant Shakespeare scholarship is absurd, on the basis of the evidence turned up by focusing on Bruno's work in England.

John Florio

Florio was a friend of Giordano Bruno, while he worked as tutor and spy (for Elizabeth's spymaster, Sir Francis Walsingham) in the home of the French Ambassador. Frances Yates relates the story of a lively dinner party at Whitehall Palace at which Florio translated to the assembled company, which included Sir Philip Sidney and Oxford professors, Bruno's theories about the possibility of life on other planets.

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