John Dunn

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Oxford to Cambridge


C.H. Sisson and Ezra Pound

Thursday, 21 Jan 2016

C. H. Sisson on Dr John Dunn. First posted Tuesday, 17 March 2015 at 20:28

In a world where injustice is institutionalised and excessive usuriousness celebrated, I call to mind some words of C.H. Sisson:

“What Ezra Pound exposed in The Cantos is the monstrous aberration of a world in which reality is distorted, down to a degree never so comprehensively indicated before, by the pull of a fictitious money. It is a noble subject and may be the only possible one for a long poem in our age.”

Pictured C.H. Sisson (top) and Ezra Pound.

© John Dunn.

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