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On the need for an alliance between western traditionalists and Islam

Monday, 10 Nov 2014

Jobbik on Staff and Scrip, Dr John Dunn First posted on Thursday, 12 December 2013 at 21:26

"The real distinction is not between different religions, countries and cultures, but between communities attempting to preserve traditions and anti-traditional, global liberalism." - Gábor Vona

An important interview with Gábor Vona that I found on the Jobbik website.


-In your lectures, you were talking about Turanic cooperation as well as Islam, which in your words is the last beacon of light of humanity in the darkness of globalism. What did you mean by that?

- I mentioned this in an article back in 2010. I said then that the real distinction is not between different religions, countries and cultures, but between communities attempting to preserve traditions and anti-traditional, global liberalism. If you look closely, you can see it is the Muslim world that still can best resist the monopolar world order dominated by the United States. They do have a lot of problems, countless worrying phenomena, such as the unpredictable course of events in the Arab world. Comparing it to the Christian civilisation in our region however, you can see that Muslim countries are much less dependent.

– Does this mean that we Hungarians should ally with Muslim countries?

-We should ally with those fighting for a just world order. This could be a country, a community and it could be Christian, Muslim or Buddhist.The point is that they should not be the servants of global liberalism.Hungary now names as allies the countries that have destroyed our economy, exploit our cheap labour, have taken our markets and feed us their own products, force us into completely pointless wars,tread on our national traditions, label us as racist all the time and do not respect us at all. Is this good for us? - I ask.

– Nevertheless, isn't it strange that the Roman Catholic president of a party advocating Christian values in a Christian country is making pro-Islam statements?

- It is. Especially, if they are misinterpreted. My statement did not mean that I advocate Islam at the expense of Christianity. What I said was that the Islam civilization protects its own tradition more strongly
than Christianity does. And that is a fact. I wish Christian churches were more courageous and efficient in protecting national traditions, I wish they clearly and explicitly condemned the intellectual and mental environmental pollution poured on us by liberalism. As a Roman Catholic,I have pointed out several times that the church should not be content with just being a social institution and letting lies exercise their destructive effects. They should undertake the ideological fight as well. So I was not speaking out against Christianity, I was speaking out for it.

– What does Christianity mean for Jobbik and you?

-Jobbik is a political party that defines itself on the basis of Christian values. The relationship with God is of course a personal matter. Being a European and a Hungarian, for me Christianity means the universal human values that are common in all major religions. Therefore I consider inter-religious dialogue to be very important. At national level, this means ecumenism, while it means the cooperation of religions on a global scale. The role of Turanic alliance can be exemplary in this regard, since there are Christian, Muslim and Buddhist Turanic nations as well as ones with other religions. I don't know if you noticed that the president of Jobbik, a party considered aggressive and xenophobic, is talking about the dialogue between cultures and religions. I don't think this interview will make it to the front page of, the website of a liberal Hungarian channel. It doesn't fit their prejudices about us. We are the ones actually stereotyped.

- Aren't you afraid that these statements will block a potential cooperation with Western European national radical parties?

-Those who suffer from the problems caused by immigration in Austria or France will find it very difficult to look upon Islam as an ally in the fight against liberal globalism. I understand their anger. However, they must also understand that they cannot judge a community of 1.5 billion people based on the behaviour of the immigrants in their country. Similarly, my standpoint about Islam neither means that Europe should become Muslim nor does it mean that I support immigration. In fact, I often emphasize that I appreciate all nations and cultures and I would love to learn more about them - in their own countries.

– What's your opinion about Muslim extremists?

-Extremism is relative, obviously. We, Jobbik members know it very well,since we are regularly labelled as extremists by the liberal media. Of course, I condemn terrorism, just like the invasive wars marching under the pretentious banner of anti-terrorism. I think this is the most gruesome practice in the world today.

Posted by John Dunn.

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