John Dunn

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Oxford to Cambridge


Thoughts on love prompted by Rudolf Steiner

Wednesday, 24 Nov 2021

Great spiritual on Dr John Dunn. Steiner was hopelessly in thrall to the Darwinism of his time in the way that he believed human development to be a process of evolution.

There was a time, he believed, when the Divine expressed itself through love in humans.

The gods received the love that pulses through human beings and lived from it.

Man lived on the basis of love e.g. blood ties, ethnic groups etc.

Between sexes, love became a blind drive, a sexuality, blind instinct

The Gods were nourished by this blind instinct

Humans were filled with passions, but with no knowledge as to what drove their desires.

Hosts of Lucifer intervened between between gods and men.

Under influence of the gods alone the human being would have remained without the astral light, without knowledge.

Lucifer had to make up for lost time in development and employed the human being for this purpose

Lucifer had no sensory existence, but used human beings for this purpose.

Gods implanted love in people.

Lucifer seduced those people into seeing it in the light.

Lucifer has a much more intimate relationship to human beings than the gods who reign in love and love alone.

Lucifer opened the eyes of human beings and looked out with us, completing his development with us.

Carried in the womb of the gods we were children of the gods.

Striving with Lucifer we are a friend of Lucifer.

This association was expressed in the legend of how Paradise was lost.

It was expressed too in the supersession of Judaism by Christianity.

The law works from external compulsion, what Christ brought to the world works from inside.

The God of love worked above human beings, within them the light worked.

To reach love one must first become light.

Christ represents the elevation of light to love.

Light can lead to evil, but it must exist if we are to become free.

Law becomes grace as the law is lifted out of the human beings own heart.

Now knowledge can be lifted up to love.


The challenge in all the above, I feel, is to exclude the evolutionary element of Steiner’s mythology and render it down from human beings in general to the immediate individual experience.

© John Dunn.

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