John Dunn

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Poetic human love

Wednesday, 24 Nov 2021

Rider alone on Dr John Dunn. I never really understood what feeling alone meant, because always, realising inner loneliness, actually looking for it, I found myself with the inner life of others, so I felt solitude not as an isolation, but an ascetic path to communion with the actual reality of beings. Feeling alone has always been a way to serenity for me.

However, we all know that there is a difference between solitude and a condition of loneliness. The latter is related to having no-one to love, more so than being loved. It is akin to being incapable of poetry, not as aesthetic activity, but as a breathless and free spirit. The whole inner climate of the communion with the other must be poetry or it is valueless; it must be an encounter that sinks into a healing harmony. Everyone is called to the restoration of ancient harmony, the original Eden of the human couple, the crystalline marriage. The human condition is to face a world of entangled forces and lusts, ethnic struggles, wars, classist fanaticisms, equal levelling etc. This is related to the faltering of faith and honour in the spirit fighter. A failed spiritual commitment gives calculating and materialist forces pseudo-legitimate powers over the world. Beyond all compromises, overcoming fears and obscure human limitations, we need to bring all this to its end, forcing spirit to rise above what is ordinarily feared. Until such a time loneliness will hold sway. The era is difficult, but heroic and holy. One day the door to sacred and poetic human love will be opened.

© John Dunn.

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