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Evola and Eckart

Friday, 3 Dec 2021

Eckart on Dr John Dunn. In Child of Encounter I quoted Julius Evola:

God does not exist. The Ego must create him by making itself divine. (p.225)

Through Evola, one is taken back to the deification of man that emerges in John’s Gospel and other the Johannine writings in the Bible; but I was also reminded about Meister Eckart’s contribution to the deification genre.

Evola tells us in The Path of Cinnabar that it was Giovanni Papini who directed him to a reading of Eckart. The medieval mystic wrote as follows:

You should know Him with­out image, without means, and without semblance. But if I am to know God without means, then I must really become He and He I. I say further: God must really become I and I must really become God, so fully one that this 'he' and 'I' become and are one 'is,' and in that 'self-identity' work one work eternally, for this 'he' and this 'I'- that is, God and the soul-are very fruitful. But a single 'here' or a single 'now,' and this 'I' and this 'He' could never work together or become one. (Meister Eckart, Complete Works, Translated and Edited by Maurice O'C. Walshe, p.464)

© John Dunn.

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