John Dunn
Were you one of the Seraphim?
Thursday, 10 Feb 2022
Were you one of the Seraphim?
Were you such a one? Your eyes at once ignored and enticed. You might have been. Life was never the same again.
And you became a distant star,
shining in the firmament from past light years.
I stare and wonder who the residents are…
Can they be wholly alien in their hopes and fears?
In the Mythology Seraphim enjoy the immediate gaze of God, and so are not distinct from God. Their distancing strategy is to occupy innocents and awaken men.
Whoever is a Seraph, that is a lover, is in God and God is in him; even, it maybe said, God and he are one. (Oration on the Dignity of Man, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola).
© John Dunn.
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