John Dunn

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Oxford to Cambridge


Children of Urizen

Friday, 11 Feb 2022

The netting Urizen on Dr John Dunn. The Mythology grows with the...

Children of Urizen

They hide amongst the Innocents.

They feed off the Innocents.

They set Innocent against Innocent.

They send the Innocents to war.

You know you've met them,

probably when you've thought about it afterwards.

They don't smile, they sneer.

They look at you with calculation.

Snared in Urizen's net, they are the living dead.

Their lives are empty and uncomplicated.

Being themselves devoid of love,

when they meet Him they murder Love.

God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. (I John 4:16)

They that dwelleth without love, what are they?

The anti-Love; the masonry of hate; the children of Urizen.

Root them out, pleads Eros to the Innocents, root them out!

© John Dunn.

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