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Man, in the image of the first Violator

Friday, 11 Feb 2022

A black and white image on Dr John Dunn. Man, in the image of the first Violator

In the Mythology, Ananke is the symbol of undifferentiated Oneness, equilibrium, the endless repeating cycle and entropic death. The champion of violation is Eros, the victims of equilibrium are the Innocents, the promoters of the One are the Children of Urizen. Ultimately the contest is between Love and Evil.

In the one infinite Cosmos without man, there would be no ‘that is’, there would be no ‘be’ing.

Where there is no being, there is void, no-thing; there is 0. Without man, 1=0.

The struggle is against the return of the One, the return of Ananke.

For to break free is a coming to being, with the implication that not to break free is to exist in a state of non-being, or locked in the closed circle of 0.

Ananke is entropic death.

Each triumph against Ananke is birth and new life.

New life demands the breaking of the equilibrium, the endless repeating cycle.

For life to break free, Ananke must be violated.

Violation comes first; the wilderness must be beaten back and equilibria overturned. For what is life? It is violation at all levels, from the human individual to the cosmic. Life must be actively chosen over 0.

The wilderness is never conquered. There is a natural and eternal tendency to return and ouroboros is the symbol. This return is the passive fatalism of a sub-humanity that obeys the tendency in its various iterations: Spinozism, Marxism, Kabbalah, the mind lost in the Heart of Darkness.

What will be the measure of success?

For the individual it will be by how much he is distinguished from the herd.

For mankind as a whole it will be by how much we are distinguished from nature through art, architecture, feats of engineering and the active control and management of the Earth. The ultimate measure will be the density of the population made possible by man’s marshalling of the Earth’s resources to his own health and benefit.

Beyond that it will be by how far into space the mind of man has penetrated.

What of the Orphic egg metaphor? It has its chicken and egg limitations. Yes Eros broke free; but only after an egg itself was penetrated and fertilised.

A 1=0 equilibrium has to be violated from outside; there has to be an outsider.

In the Creation, the equilibrium of 0 was violated by God.

The equilibrium of the Garden was violated by the Devil.

The equilibrium of Adam was violated by Eve.

The equilibrium of fallen man was violated by the Incarnation.

Man, in the image of the first Violator, is the proof of God.

© John Dunn.

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