John Dunn

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Into the chaos*

Friday, 4 Mar 2022

Chaos c.1875–82 by George Frederic Watts  on Dr John Dunn. Chaos c.1875–82 by George Frederic Watts 1817–1904

Into the chaos*

The nauseating refrain “I just want to be happy” rises from the moony world of Beulah, where the debt-ensnared seek the relief doled out by the followers of Urizen, not seeing that what is handed out is what they themselves handed in.

A sadistic light show casts fleeting shadows in a cave of contentment,

And the dumb innocents snatch out mindlessly,

And love is lost in the chase,

And all the dumb innocents are lost in the same activity until the day is done.

All is indistinguishable, man from man, race from race, man from animal,

And the light available to the demonic is limitless,

Whereas man has held only shadows from birth.

Know this, screams Eros/Zarathustra into the chaos,

The I needs the force from which it arises!

*Cosmogenesis: Building the prosimetrum

© John Dunn.

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