John Dunn

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Oxford to Cambridge



Saturday, 23 Apr 2022

Mysterious light on Dr John Dunn. Ascension

The destruction of nature must occur to overcome the animal-human limit to restore to Nature the connection with the lost principle.

Only then can we retrace the cosmic dimension of the fall into matter, insofar as it connects (within itself) to the inner cosmic Impulse, namely, to the principle from which Nature has become alienated.

Consciousness of the principle from which Nature is alienated enables the Logos flash of lightning to strike animal nature and render it human.

The lightning strike is the destructive act upon reflected nature, or ‘thought petrified’, i.e. that which appears to be ready-made and devoid of our own shaping content.

Until that strike, light remains solidified in the denying of itself. However, each disintegration of matter is a moment of ascension of the light, rendering the miraculous as an actuality, the beginning and the ascension - always.

© John Dunn.

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