John Dunn

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Resurrected Creation

Monday, 9 May 2022

St Maximus on Dr John Dunn. Saint Maximus’ words in his Centuries on Theology and Economy (1.66): He who is initiated into the inexpressible power of the Resurrection apprehends the purpose for which God first established everything.

Resurrected Creation

We experience a relationship of sorts to the Logos at the very inception of thought.

The Logos is the flaming light, endowed with creative power. This light of fire is continuously extinguished in reflected consciousness. Reflected thought, ‘fallen thought’, has opposed the Logos.

The point is that here, where it is not yet reflected and it has its intuitive moment, it moves as the light of the Logos.

The logical consequence of this is that we must grasp the light before it flickers out.

The secret to healing the human being lies in perceiving the light of fire, of which thought pre-reflectedly burns.

Grasp the moment of thought’s inception and we can be re-born into the light of the Logos.

I am moving towards a position that sees the Creation as the Resurrection and vice versa.

From the moment the Logos incarnated and defeated death, we have had the possibility to think according to the Resurrection, insofar as the flaming light of the Logos lights up within each thought that we think. But to perceive this light, we must overcome the darkness of reflected thought.

© John Dunn.

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