John Dunn

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Oxford to Cambridge


Where the immanence?

Friday, 13 May 2022

Glory of the Newborn Christ  on Dr John Dunn. Daniel Gran's Glory of the Newborn Christ in Presence of God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Note how Adam and Eve are portrayed below, in chains.

Where the immanence?

With the Fall Adam was a subsumed into the forest, into Nature, Oneness, sub-humanness, into Ananke, into abstraction.

The second Adam, instead of objectifying, was objectified.

The objectified Christ was murdered, the saving Christ was resurrected.

The objectified Christ was crucified, the resurrected Christ lives on as living thought, active thought; a mystery beyond understanding, but revealed as living thought.

But active thought cannot be expressed other than as a thought objectified, i.e. made abstract.

What is thought before the Fall, i.e. the fall into abstraction?

Is immanence with the Logos an attempted expression of active thought?

And where is immanence lived, in Love?

He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.’ (1 John 4:16)

I am brought back to a favourite quotation of mine made by Johann Angelus Silesius, 17th century priest and religious poet.

“I know that without me no God can live; were I brought to naught, he would of necessity have to give up the ghost.”

© John Dunn.

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