John Dunn

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Being: what is it?

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Adoration on Dr John Dunn. Being: what is it?

It just is. Being is active thinking, the Logos and Love; for the Logos is Love.

Man can be dragged in and out of being, some are never in it.

The children of Satan actively oppose being. They murdered Love and continue to do so.

The Resurrection is the victory over death and the pathway to redemption; easier for the meek than the rich.

Redemptionis the escape from the clutches of Satan and the fallen world, the objectivised world; it is a return to active thinking, the Logos. It is the resurrection of the self. It is the birth of Love.

The adoration followed the birth of Love; for to love is to worship. Being is active thinking, the Logos and Love. To be is to worship.

© John Dunn.

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