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Lost kingships

Monday, 2 Sep 2013

Louis-Gabriel-Amboise de Bonald on Staff and Scrip, Dr John Dunn First posted at Thursday, 4 October 2012 at 21:25

Louis-Gabriel-Amboise de Bonald

When the mental leap has been taken; when fear of Enlightenment terror has lifted, albeit momentarily; it is possible to think the impossible.

Theories of progress and evolution have been thrust upon us from birth, by indoctrinated parents and the state mass-conscription schooling system. We live under the terror of the Enlightenment's conceptual yoke.

Breathe the fresh air of liberation my friends when you understand that all talk of progress is a sham. Mankind is in a state of despair whether it knows it or not. Rather than evolution towards some hoped-for Enlightened state of mankind, Julius Evola’s philosophy of de-evolution offers the better account, which is of man’s fall. The best is long behind us. All we can hope for is to recover a little of what has been lost.

The system of rule of man by man is corrupt, breaking every rule of divine guidance. Democracy has served to accelerate man’s decline, encouraging the vilest of ambitions in the lowest of life forms.

No man should aspire to rise above another, for it displays the most loathsome example of worldly obsessions. Man’s thoughts should not rest upon this world, but be concentrated on the next. Forget the Rights of Man, live only for the rites of man, a life in which all journeys are pilgrimages and all worldly actions are elevated to the status of a prayer.

The system of rule to which man is fitted can only come from a higher authority. To be a creature and live as a creator is an abomination. It is a fallen state and is corrupting. The higher authority can only be God and man is a mere instrument of rule in kingship.

Compare our political lowlife with the beautiful ideal of kingship offered by Louis-Gabriel-Amboise de Bonald ‘in the simple and natural ideas of a divine and paternal royalty whose power consisted in mildness and force, obedience, affection, and respect, and for whom to govern was a duty and to be governed a right’.

Bonald writes of lost kingships, not an Orange figurehead imposed upon a people by a cabal of Dutch bankers.

Lost kingships perhaps, but not a lost ideal, at least when the terror lifts, fleetingly. In a post-secular age, in can be imagined again.

John Dunn.

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