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The American revolution: a serious rival to Usura established

Wednesday, 23 Apr 2014

Ezra Pound on Staff and Scrip, Dr John Dunn. First posted on Friday, 24 May 2013 at 22:04

(Continued from an earlier blog the Usurocracy and the mob, posted Friday, 3 May 2013 at 20:55)

Ezra Pound's pioneering work in this field

Compared to Usura’s next war, the ‘45 was a localised skirmish. Winston Churchill would describe the Seven Years War 1756-1763 as the first real world war. It was the first conflict in human history to be fought around the globe, certainly. However, and Churchill was probably conscious of this point, it was also defined as global by being Usura’s first engagement in a war for the world - for the economic control of the world and the hearts, minds and souls of its inhabitants.

By the end of the war, Usura had secured the control over North America and India. The very next year, 1764, Usura set about expanding the tax base to include the North American colonies, as a means of securing the ever-mounting debt. Since the creation of the Bank of England, the total debt now stood at £140,000,000. The rest, as they say, is history, but certainly not Whig history.

There is enough material available on the internet with which to piece together the incredible story of Usura’s rise and rise, without me going into it in too much detail here. It is important to note, however, the importance of Ezra Pound’s pioneering work in this field, particularly on the subject of Usura’s extension of control over the United States. He said in one of his notorious radio speeches from Mussolini’s Italy during the Second World War that “The present war dates at least from the founding of the Bank of England at the end of the 17th century”. Such a statement was never likely to dissuade American GIs from landing on the Italian coast as he had hoped, but it did show an insight into the causes of Usura’s wars that have provided a foundation for revisionist study ever since.

When attention turned to taxing the Americans the British found the colonialists printing their own paper money, known as colonial scrip. The American colonies were a particularly attractive taxation prospect, because of their prosperity.

The debt free issue of currency on such a scale posed a threat the the interest charging power of the usurocracy, which hurriedly pressed parliament to pass the 1764 CurrencyAct. This immediately suppressed the printing of money by the colonists, and forced them to pay taxes to Britain in silver or gold. In this draconian measure lay the real cause of the next war of Usura, the American Revolutionary War of 1775–1783. It had nothing to do with the more picturesque matters, such as the Boston Tea Party of the Whig history books.

Such was the centrality of the money issue to the cause of the revolutionists, that upon victory, the power of Congress ‘to coin money and regulate the value thereof’ was included in the Constitution of the new nation. A serious rival to Usura had been established.

John Dunn.

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