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Usura's endless wars

Friday, 16 May 2014

First posted Friday, 7 June 2013 at 21:43

In 1790 Mayer Amschel Rothschild was alleged to have said, ‘let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws’. Certainly in keeping with this maxim, whoever said it, the Usurocracy decided that its interests would be best served by allowing America independence, whilst establishing a ‘national bank’ on US soil, which English bankers would control. Thereafter, repeated attempts to establish a US equivalent to the Bank of England succeeded temporarily, only to be defeated by dogged opposition from founding father notables.

The renewal of the charter for the First Bank of the United States was vetoed by Congress in 1811 on the grounds that it was unconstitutional. Within five months, the young nation was plunged into another war with Usura. Britain attacked America and started the war of 1812. With conflict raging across land and sea for 32 months, the war achieved no territorial change between either side. However, Usura secured a victory of sorts as, by 1816, faced with economic hardship from the war,Congress approved a second national bank.

Whilst Usura waged war upon America, Napoleon’s struggle against the twin forces of money supply control and military might was drawing to a close. Napoleon made his reasons for restisting Usura clear.

"When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes... Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain."
Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815.

Instead of resorting to the banks, Napoleon sold territory west of the Mississippi to the United States for 3 million dollars in gold; a deal known as the Louisiana Purchase. However, everywhere Napoleon went at the head of his conquering armies, he found that Usura had already been there before him. The Bank of England made huge profits as Prussia, Austria and finally Russia all went heavily into debt trying to stop him.

A Rothschild financed attack from Spain in the south and other defeats eventually defeated France, forcing Napoleon into exile onElba. Even before the later battle of Waterloo, Usura’s victory was complete. Napoleon was forced to raise money from the banks to make his last bid for glory. Whatever the outcome of Waterloo, control over the money supply would remain in the Usurocracy’s hands, and it would ‘care not who writes the laws’.

With Usura’s empire seemingly secure on both sides of the Atlantic, the Americans rebelled again. In 1832, President Andrew Jackson personally vetoed another move to renew the charter of the Second Bank of the US, becoming the only president whose administration totally abolished the national debt. When asked what wasthe greatest achievement of his career, Jackson replied, ‘I killed the bank’. These famous words later served as the epitaph on his gravestone.

Only three years after the veto, there was a failed assassination attempt on Jackson’s life. Usura was held at bay, but would not let go. A growing world power with massive resources and scope for taxation would not be tolerated long outside of the central banking system. A divide and conquer opportunity to redress matters came in 1861 with the American Civil War, thus qualifying it as yet another of Usura’s endless wars.

John Dunn.

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