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Anglo-catholicism of T. S. Eliot and the Ordinariate exiles

Saturday, 5 Jan 2013

T. S. Eliot on Staff and Scrip, Dr John Dunn At a time when liberals are destroying the Church of England from within, the Ordinariate exiles continue to maintain the liturgical, spiritual and pastoral traditions of the Anglican Communion within the Catholic Church.

Now the Ordinariate has published what it calls a Customary (Canterbury Press, £45), which is a daily prayer book that is fascinating for its choice of readings.

These include passages from 17th-century divines such as Lancelot Andrewes and Thomas Traherne, from 19th-century Tractarians and their successors, such as John Keble, H P Liddon and J M Neale, and from 20th-century Anglo-Catholic writers, including Austin Farrer and TS Eliot (pictured).

The choice is truly visionary, firmly embracing Anglo-Catholicism into the worldwide unity of a Catholic church. Such a contrast with the divisive, destructive and separatist tendencies within the Church of England.

John Dunn.

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