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Nietzsche’s Zarathustra knew that traditionalism is the future and our redemption

Thursday, 19 Feb 2015

Nietzsche Also Sprake on Dr John Dunn. First posted on Tuesday, 4 March 2014 at 21:16

Nietzsche’s Zarathustra knew that traditionalism is the future and our redemption.

"I walk amongst men as the fragments of the future: that future which I contemplate.

And it is all my poetisation and aspiration to compose and collect into unity what is fragment and riddle and fearful chance.

And how could I endure to be a man, if man were not also the composer, and riddle-reader, and redeemer of chance!

To redeem what is past, and to transform every "It was" into "Thus would I have it!"--that only do I call redemption!"

Posted by John Dunn.

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