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But don't the tarantulas now have total power?

Thursday, 19 Feb 2015

Nietzsche Also Sprake on Dr John Dunn. First posted on Monday, 10 March 2014 at 20:49

Lo, this is the tarantula's den! Would'st thou see the tarantula itself?...
...And when they call themselves "the good and just," forget not, that for them to be Pharisees, nothing is lacking but—power!
(Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

Ye preachers of equality, the tyrant-frenzy of impotence crieth thus in you for "equality": your most secret tyrant-longings disguise themselves thus in virtue-words!
Fretted conceit and suppressed envy—perhaps your fathers' conceit and envy: in you break they forth as flame and frenzy of vengeance.
What the father hath hid cometh out in the son; and oft have I found in the son the father's revealed secret.
Inspired ones they resemble: but it is not the heart that inspireth them—but vengeance. And when they become subtle and cold, it is not spirit, but envy, that maketh them so.
Their jealousy leadeth them also into thinkers' paths; and this is the sign of their jealousy—they always go too far: so that their fatigue hath at last to go to sleep on the snow.
In all their lamentations soundeth vengeance, in all their eulogies is maleficence; and being judge seemeth to them bliss.
But thus do I counsel you, my friends: distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful!
They are people of bad race and lineage; out of their countenances peer the hangman and the sleuth-hound.
Distrust all those who talk much of their justice! Verily, in their souls not only honey is lacking.
And when they call themselves "the good and just," forget not, that for them to be Pharisees, nothing is lacking but—power!
(From Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra)

Posted by John Dunn.

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