John Dunn

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Ancient Terror

Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022

Enigmatic to say the least on Dr John Dunn. Terror Antiquus by Léon Bakst (1908)*

Ancient Terror

In the beginning was the One.

And the One was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

And the world was one to me, and I was indistinguishable from it.

And the One looked to the infinite as an equilibrium, with its self-regulating humours and its own necessities.

And there was no observer to confirm upon the One the status of being.

For what is it to be?

‘To be’ is to be distinguished as one thing from another.

To be is the ‘that is’ of the observer's mind.

In an infinite Cosmos without man, there would be no ‘that is’, there would be no ‘be’ing.

Where there is no being, there is void, no-thing; there is 0.

Without man, 1=0.

And the One was nought, and I was non-being.

And I did not see; there was no-one to see.

And Ananke, the entropic death of all previous existences, reigned supreme over the face of the still dark waters.

© John Dunn.

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