John Dunn

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Oxford to Cambridge



Wednesday, 16 Feb 2022

Bishop Berkeley on Dr John Dunn. Awakening

And Coleridge led me to Berkeley, and I was amazed.

Matter, after all, does not exist; all objects are in the mind.

So-called objects are living thoughts gone feral; they have escaped us and are reflected back to us as the real thing. Imposing this view, the Children of Urizen removed man from nature and the Cosmos. Yet, Berkeley had thrown out a lasting lifeline.

Berkeley threw a lifeline out to man, indeed to me.
We were needed again,
For when something is unperceived, it ceases to be.

Berkeley was “the first to treat the subjective starting-point really seriously and to demonstrate irrefutably its absolute necessity.” (Schopenhauer)

© John Dunn.

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